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After Discharge Home from the Neonatal Unit 129

   Preterm infants often need slow milk flow teats,      2. Nutrient-enriched post-discharge
supportive positioning and careful monitoring to         formula
achieve safe and efficient feeding, especially if their
breathing and bottlefeeding are less well                Nutrient-enriched post-discharge formula may be
coordinated. Parents will therefore need support to      given to preterm infants still in hospital who have
feed safely and effectively. As they progress,           been on a preterm formula and have reached
bottlefed infants can be fed according to their          2–2.5 kg. They contain less energy and protein than
hunger cues as for term infants.                         preterm formulas but are higher in energy, protein,
                                                         vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and
Formula Milks for Preterm                                phosphorus and iron, than standard formulas for
Infants                                                  term infants. They are used to support the higher
                                                         nutritional requirements for catch-up growth in
There are two types of formula used on neonatal units    preterm infants once they have been discharged home.
for preterm infants. They are summarized in Table
4.4.6.                                                      They are available both as:

1. Preterm formulas                                      ●● sterile ready-to-feed and

Preterm formulas are for supervised hospital use         ●● non-sterile powder that must be reconstituted
only and only available in a sterile, ready-to-feed         with boiled water.
format. They have been designed to meet the
nutritional requirements of preterm infants              There are two brands available.
                                                         After Discharge Home from the
●● adequate energy and protein levels with a             Neonatal Unit
   protein-to-energy ratio to optimize growth
                                                         Once discharged home there is no consensus on the
●● phosphate and calcium levels at the optimum           optimal nutritional requirements for a preterm
   ratio for bone mineralization                         infant. Some preterm infants may go home with some
                                                         nutritional deficits but most will demand feed orally
●● required vitamin, mineral and iron content.           and should be allowed to ‘catch up’ any growth deficit
                                                         in their own time. Their nutritional intake and
Preterm formulas are usually given to infants who        growth should be regularly assessed and monitored.
are <2 kg at birth.
                                                            Breastfed infants require additional vitamin
   There are three brands available but most             and iron supplements, as directed by the consultant
neonatal units usually just stock one brand.             paediatrician or dietitian.

Table 4.4.6  Types of formula milk available for preterm infants

Type of formula    Examples         Manufacturer         Relevant compositional    Used for infants with:
milk               Aptamil Preterm  Milupa               details                   Preterm or
Preterm formula    Nutriprem 1      Cow & Gate                                     low-birthweight infants
                   SMA Gold Prem 1  SMA Nutrition        Higher in energy and      in hospital
Nutrient-enriched                                        nutrients than term
post-discharge     Nutriprem 2      Cow & Gate           formulas and nutrient-    Discharged preterm and
formulas           SMA Gold Prem 2  SMA Nutrition        enriched post-discharge   low-birthweight infants

                                                         Higher in nutrients than
                                                         term – particularly
                                                         vitamin D and iron
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