Page 178 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
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School Schemes Supporting Good Nutrition 169
nutrients are least likely to be consumed School breakfasts
in sufficient amounts in Scottish diets. Maximum
levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar and sodium Many schools have begun offering school breakfasts
are given for some groups of manufactured and anecdotal claims have been made that school
products. attendance, behaviour and performance all improve
when school breakfasts are provided. However, a
Popular school meals systematic review found that although a school
School children responding to The Sodexho breakfast is better than no breakfast, this only makes
School Meals and Lifestyle Survey in 2005 cited a difference in children who are malnourished.
the following as the most popular school meals: Furthermore, it was found that any improved
pizza, pasta, burgers, chicken and filled jacket academic performance noted may be due in part to
potatoes. Cakes, buns, doughnuts, ice cream, the increased school attendance that a school
chocolate sponge, other sponges and yogurt were breakfast encourages (Hoyland et al. 2009). Children
the most popular desserts. say they enjoy the social side of school breakfasts.
Activity 1 Packed lunches
Write a one-week menu for school lunches for Many children bring a packed lunch rather than
both a primary school and a secondary school. have school meals they dislike or that their parents
Allocate appropriate portion sizes and use a either cannot afford or of which they disapprove.
dietary analysis programme to find out Packed lunches can also be of poor nutritional
whether your menu has satisfied the average content: a Food Standards Agency survey of school
energy and nutrient requirements as set out in lunchboxes in 2005 showed that 74 per cent failed
Table 6.1.2. to meet the food-based standards for school meals
(Food Standards Agency 2005). Typically, a packed
Food-based standards for all school lunch comprised sandwiches, a chocolate bar,
food other than lunches savoury snack and sweetened drink. Fresh fruit
These standards apply to all food and drink was often absent.
provided by local authorities or school governing
bodies to pupils on and off school premises, Ideally, lunchboxes should include foods from
during an extended school day (up to 6 pm). They each of the food groups and include a drink (Table
cover: 6.1.4). A small ice pack or a frozen drink will keep a
closed lunchbox cool for a few hours.
●● breakfast clubs
●● mid-morning break services School Schemes Supporting Good
●● vending machines Nutrition
●● tuck shops
●● after-school snacks and meals. The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme is part of the
national ‘5 A Day’ programme designed to encourage
Guidelines on food and drinks allowed or restricted fruit and vegetable consumption. Under the scheme,
at all school food other than lunches are described all children aged 4–6 years in LEA-maintained
in Table 6.1.3. infant, primary and special schools are entitled to a
free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.
Subsidized school milk
The European Union provides subsidies to schools
and other educational establishments so that they