Page 179 - MHF-FeedingMinds-final.indd
P. 179
170 6.1 Primary School Age Children
Table 6.1.3 Guidelines on food and drinks allowed or restricted for all school food other than lunches
Foods encouraged Foods restricted Foods not allowed
Confectionery such as chocolate
Fruit and vegetables must be Condiments such as ketchup and bars, chocolate coated or flavoured
provided in all school food outlets. mayonnaise must only be available biscuits, sweets and cereal bars
These can include fresh, dried, in sachets or individual portion of
frozen, canned and juiced varieties not more than 10 g or 1 tsp Snacks such as crisps
Nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits Cakes and biscuits must not be Salt must not be provided at tables
with no added salt, sugar or fat provided at times other than lunch or service counters
Free, fresh drinking water (still or Starchy food cooked in fat or oil
carbonated) should be provided at must not be provided more than
all times three times a week across the
school day
Fruit juice, vegetable juice, low-fat
milk (milk with a fat content of not No more than two deep-fried food
more than 1.8%), plain soya, rice or items such as chips and batter-
oat drinks enriched with calcium coated products can be provided in
and plain yogurt drinks a single week across the school day
Combinations of water (still or Meat products (manufactured or
carbonated) and fruit and/or homemade) are divided into four
vegetable juice containing at least groups. A meat product from each
50% juice, and may contain of the four groups may be provided
vitamins or minerals but no added no more than once per fortnight
sugar across the school day
Combinations of milk (low-fat or
lactose reduced), or plain yogurt,
water, fruit or vegetable juice – the
milk or yogurt must be at least 50%
by volume and the combined drink
may contain vitamins and minerals.
Less than 5% sugar or honey may
be added
Combinations of plain soya, rice or
oat drink, water, fruit or vegetable
juice – the soya, rice or oat drink
must be at least 50% by volume,
and the combined drink may
contain vitamins and minerals. Less
than 5% sugar or honey may be
added to the soya, rice or oat
Combinations of milk (low-fat or
lactose reduced), plain yogurt or
plain soya, rice or oat drinks (with
or without plain water) with cocoa.
In these combinations the milk,
yogurt, soya, rice or oat drink must
be at least 50% by volume and the
combined drink may contain
vitamins and minerals. Less than
5% sugar or honey may be added
to the milk, yogurt, soya, rice or oat
component. No colourings are