Page 216 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 216

into the child’s diet.
4. Plan a 15-minute presentation on nutritious snacks for a life span group of your choice. What types of instructional media would you use?

5. Interview a teenager about his or her eating practices. Ask about food preferences. What factors influence food choices? How does the type

   of food the teen chooses to eat compare with what friends eat? Are foods chosen for health or weight reasons?
6. Buy a magazine read by adolescents. Assess the content of any articles on nutrition, food ads, weight control supplements, and the like.
7. Interview an older adult (age 65 years or older) about his or her food choices and eating practices. Ask about how the person purchases and

   prepares food, the number of meals eaten daily, and the intake of water and other beverages. Write a summary of your encounter using the
   NCP model.
8. Evaluate a patient education handout that is distributed in a public health community program for a specific life span group. Does the
   information in the handout give correct information? Is it written at the correct level for the population targeted?
9. Select a chronic diet-related health condition such as diabetes. Find a group of at least three education handouts appropriate for nutrition
   counseling. Compare them for content, focus, and client application. Discuss how you might use these materials in a sequence of ongoing
   counseling sessions and develop a set of recommendations for future materials you might require.

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