Page 218 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 218

1 0C H A P T E R

              Principles and Theories of Learning


• Compare and contrast learning theories and strategies.
• Differentiate between types of behavioral consequences.
• Specify strategies that enhance long-term memory.
• Describe several learning and teaching styles.
• Define the stages involved in the innovation–decision process.
• Identify the role of technology in learning.

                                    CASE CHALLENGE 1

John Richards has been referred for counseling because of his high blood pressure. He is 65
years old with acceptable body mass index and serum cholesterol levels within the normal range. Six months
ago, his wife died. Since her passing, he has lived alone in the family home and has relied more on
prepackaged meals and convenience foods. His physician recommended a diet restricted in sodium, with an
increase in fruits and vegetables. If dietary changes are successful, he may not need medication.

All the foods that you regularly eat are ones that you learned to eat.1

                                                                         —Bee Wilson


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