Page 241 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 241

1 1C H A P T E R

Planning Learning


• Differentiate between teaching and learning.
• Describe the necessary steps to planning effective educational sessions.
• Discuss the process of developing performance objectives.
• Write performance objectives using Mager’s three components.
• Compare the three domains of learning and write objectives.

                                    CASE CHALLENGE 1

Paul Fisher is responsible for the school lunch program at a large urban high school with over
3,000 students. In the first 6 months on the job, he noted that some students did not eat a well-balanced
diet and discarded portions of their meals, leading to a waste of food.

   Before planning any nutrition education, he decides to identify what seems to be influencing students to
select less healthful food choices.

If you’re not sure where you’re going, you’re liable to end up someplace else.

                                                                                —Robert Mager


Nutrition professionals must be able to plan effective learning experiences. Globally, accredited higher

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