Page 248 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 248

• To compare (is able to compare the nutrient needs of an adult woman with those of a pregnant woman)
• To identify (is able to identify on the menu those foods that are permitted)
• To solve or use (is able to plan menus that include five servings of fruits and vegetables daily)
• To demonstrate (is able to demonstrate the use of the mixer or is able to select low-fat foods at the grocery store)
• To operate (is able to slice meat on the meat slicer)

Mager noted that three characteristics improve written objectives: (1) performance, (2) conditions, and (3)
criterion. The “performance” tells what the learner will be able to do after an instruction is given. The second
characteristic describes under what “conditions” the performance is to occur. Finally, a “criterion” tells how
good the individual’s performance must be to be acceptable. Table 11-1 summarizes the three-part system for
writing objectives. Conditions and criterion may not be included in all objectives. In general, detailed
information is important. The more that can be specified, the better the objective and the more likely that the
learner will learn what was planned.20


 What potential nutrition problems do you think he may have identified from what he has observed and

Verbs to Use          Discuss           Prepare
                      Distinguish       Produce
Analyze               Evaluate          Recall
Apply                 Explain           Recite
Assemble              Identify          Recognize
Calculate             Illustrate        Recommend
Cite                  Interpret         Repair
Classify              List              Select
Compare               Measure           Solve
Complete              Name              State
Construct             Operate           Summarize
Contrast              Plan              Use
Define                Practice          Write
Describe              Feel              Learn
                      Grasp             Like
Vague Verbs to Avoid  Hope              Realize
                      Know              Understand

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