Page 253 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 253

translates, uses

Analysis    Analyzes, compares, differentiates, discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates,
            interprets, investigates, outlines, relates, researches, separates, solves, studies

Synthesis   Assembles, categorizes, classifies, combines, compiles, composes, creates, designs,
            diagnoses, explains, formulates, generates, manages, organizes, plans, recommends,
            revises, rewrites, summarizes, writes

Evaluation  Appraises, assesses, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, discriminates,
            evaluates, judges, justifies

Table 11-2 ■ Verbs Describing Performance—Cognitive

At the level of application, a person is able to use information, principles, concepts, or ideas in concrete
situations. Knowledge is understood sufficiently to be able to apply it to solve a problem.

EXAMPLE Is able to plan a sodium-restricted menu for the day.

Analysis entails the breakdown of information into its parts to identify the elements, the interaction between
elements, and the organizing principles or structure. Relationships may be made among ideas.

EXAMPLE Is able to analyze the nutrition labeling on a food product for fat content.

Synthesis requires the reassembling of elements or parts to form something new. You may assemble a unique
verbal or written communication, a plan of operation, or a set of abstract relations to explain data.

EXAMPLE Is able to explain the low-cholesterol diet accurately to a friend.


At the highest level in the cognitive taxonomy, evaluation is the ability to judge the value of materials or
methods in a particular situation. Such judgment requires the use of criteria, which may be internal criteria,
such as logical accuracy or consistency, or external criteria, such as external standards.

EXAMPLE Is able to evaluate a nutrition article from the daily newspaper.

                                   SELF-ASSESSMENT 2

Plan several performance objectives in the cognitive domain on a similar topic.
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