Page 258 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 258

Set is the second level and suggests a readiness for performing a task. This may involve mental readiness to
start the task, physical readiness to correct body positioning to accomplish the task, and emotional readiness
by having a favorable attitude or willingness to learn the task.

  EXAMPLE Is able to position oneself to use the meat slicer.
Guided Response
The third level of the psychomotor domain is guided response. The professional or trainer guides the
employee during the activity by emphasizing the individual components of a more complex skill. The
subcategories include imitation of the practitioner, trial and error, and feedback until the task can be
performed accurately. Performance at this level may initially be crude and imperfect.

Objectives for learning should be planned around what the employee needs to know and do.
Source: US Department of Agriculture.

  EXAMPLE Is able to practice the steps in using the meat slicer under supervision.
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