Page 262 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 262

1 1C H A P T E R


This chapter has explored the initial steps in planning learning. After needs assessment has been completed,
performance objectives should be written in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Decisions
need to be made about whether learning should be organized by individuals or groups. The content of
instruction is determined from an examination of the objectives. The steps taken to plan learning will increase
the effectiveness of the learning process. Chapter 12 explores the remaining steps in the framework for

Review and Discussion Questions

1. How do you define teaching and learning?
2. What are the three parts of Mager’s learning objectives? What question does each answer?
3. What are the three domains of learning objectives? What are the levels in each domain?
4. How are the objectives in the three domains interrelated?
5. What training topics would be appropriate for food service employees in the three domains? For healthcare educators?
6. What are some guidelines for arranging physical and psychological environments?
7. What are the steps to education?
8. What are the reasons for conducting a preassessment or needs assessment?

Suggested Activities

1. Make a list of questions you would ask in the preassessment of knowledge of some subject with which you are familiar.
2. Write three performance objectives using active verbs to describe behavior.
3. Write examples of performance objectives containing conditions and a criterion.
4. Write examples of objectives in various levels of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domain. Note overlap from one domain to

5. Decide which of the following performance objectives are measurable:

  A. Presented with a menu, the client will be able to circle appropriate food selections according to his or her diet.
  B. At the close of the series of classes, the clients will be more positively disposed toward following their diets.
  C. After counseling, the client will know which foods he or she should eat and which not to eat.
  D. The client will be able to explain the diabetic diet to her husband.
6. Examine the following objectives and decide whether each concerns primarily the cognitive, affective, or psychomotor domain.
  A. All dishwashing staff will be able to complete the meal service cleanup within 1 hour of close of service.
  B. Given a series of objectives, the student will be able to classify them according to the taxonomies in the chapter.
  C. At the end of the session, clients will request more weight control classes.

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