Page 296 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 296

if possible, to remind audience members of how the listening process is fulfilling their own needs.


 Write an introduction for Joan to use in her presentation?

Body of the Presentation

The body of the presentation expands the points mentioned in the introduction by providing the actual
information and data. Presenters need to have a rationale for the way they decide to organize this major
section to achieve the learning objectives. The body of the presentation also should ensure that audience
members fully understand the content message, believe the speaker, and are comfortable enough with the
speaker to share their objections in the event that they are confused or wish to challenge the presenter.
Audience members expect to be able to do something differently after a presentation. Examples are to start
reading food labels, to try a new recipe, to purchase a different food at the store, to eat breakfast, or to change
the way they train other employees.

   The speaker needs to construct the message clearly and concisely by presenting the information in a logical
order. The content level is critical. It is necessary to direct the level of information from the baseline
knowledge of the audience to a higher level that can be accomplished within the time allotted. This can be
challenging when the audience has various levels of knowledge and expertise. The audience’s understanding is
enhanced by designing and incorporating media and participative experiences that include a wider scope of
content than is covered in the presentation time. For example, a reference or simple handout of the principles
of a heart-healthy diet that will not be discussed in depth during the talk may be given in addition to a specific
handout focusing on the heart-healthy fats covered in depth during the body of the talk. In this way, the
speaker meets the needs of both the audience members who need more information on the basic concept and
those with advanced knowledge.

   The presenter increases validity of the content and speaker credibility when he or she provides references,
documentation, and sources along with the information presented. Finally, the speaker needs to develop a
rapport with the audience during the body of the presentation by pacing the information through the
presentation. Audience members should feel confident about the information presented and feel comfortable
asking questions at the end of the presentation. If the speaker moves too quickly from one point to another,
audience confusion and frustration may result. The breadth and depth of the content should match the time
allowed. It is the responsibility of the speaker to end the presentation at the specified time, with enough time
for questions. It is unfair to both the audience and the next speaker to take more time than planned due to
poor organization or preparation.7–12


 What are the objectives of Joan’s presentation?

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