Page 78 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 78

the same time being similar in other ways. The United States is home to individuals and families of varied
cultural and ethnic backgrounds who speak many different languages. The US Census Bureau reports that at
least 350 languages are spoken in US homes (Figure 4-1).4 The US population encompasses people of
different races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, body sizes, physical abilities, health status, educational
levels, ages, work experiences, lifestyles, values, marital status, socioeconomic status, and the like. It is
important to value and understand all types of diversity and culture. Multicultural awareness can have a
positive effect on policy, management, educational style, and overall success of an organization.

Figure 4-1 ■ Number of languages spoken in the 15 largest metro areas.

Source: US Census Bureau, 2009–2013 American Community Survey.

   An old Asian saying notes that “All individuals, in many respects, are (a) like no other individuals, (b) like
some individuals, and (c) like all other individuals.”8 It is true that we are all unique biologically and
genetically and no two of us share the same experiences in society. But we have similarities to our social,
ethnic, and cultural groups through shared experiences and characteristics. We also have similarities to others
with common languages and life experiences such as love, marriage, gender, death, and emotions.

   Thus, all people have individual, group, and universal levels of identity that make us unique. The health
professional must recognize all dimensions and identities since culture determines how people view health and
illness, where they seek treatment, and the relationship expected between client and health professionals.9


 What cultural diversity information would be beneficial for Judy?

Cultural Processes

Culture is the learned and shared knowledge that specific groups use to generate their behavior and interpret
their experience in the world. It comprises beliefs about reality, how people should interact with each other,

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