Page 82 - Nutrition Counseling and Education Skills: A Guide for Professionals
P. 82

Management professionals need to be committed to developing and supporting diverse groups and teams so
they can effectively manage a culturally diverse workforce.20 In an effort to create a culturally diverse
organization, managers need to practice diversity every day. This includes job interviews, supervision of
employees, staff development programs, and the creation of a fair and equal, harassment-free work
environment. For example, in recruitment practices, managers should advertise job descriptions in places
where minority groups might see them. All members of the organization, including those of the dominant
culture, must not only accept diversity but also make a commitment to it and value it.15,19,20

Managing Diversity

The goal of an effective organization and operative workplace is to foster an environment in which all
employees maximize their potential by contributing a variety of talents and abilities.18,19 To do so, managers
must harness cultural differences and create a productive environment where people feel their skill set is being
efficiently utilized and valued. As such, all employees must be viewed as assets who work together toward
achieving the universal goals and objectives of the organization, while prospering individually.

   Although it is necessary to treat everyone within the organization with respect, some members of the
organization may have difficulty developing cultural sensitivity and may inadvertently treat fellow employees
differently. Moreover, when dealing with colleagues or clients who are different from themselves, some people
may have a tendency to make assumptions or generalizations about the behaviors of these individuals. For
example, in some environments, there is a tendency to label workers by their race, ethnicity, or sexual
orientation.15 Specifically, people might still refer to a colleague as being the Black supervisor, White waiter,
Mexican cook, Japanese hostess, gay dishwasher, or Puerto Rican manager. In order to rectify this ethnic
labeling, people must be made aware of their own biases, examine their prejudices, and work to overcome
them. It is important not just to accept diversity but also to value it and demonstrate acceptance of it through
words and actions. The leadership role in modeling cultural competence and diversity has been shown to be

   In diversity-driven environments, individuality is nurtured and stressed. Thus, differences in ideas and
experiences can lead to more creative solutions to problems and better decisions. Collaboration, consensus,
and shared power, whereby professional authority is shared and determined by one’s knowledge and skill set,
make everyone feel more equal. In these types of work environments, the employees are more productive and
the company is more competitive in achieving its objectives.15,19–21

   The permanent change in how employees work together may take time. However, it is the responsibility of
the management to establish a workplace where cultural acceptance is the norm.20 The following are some
questions to consider when evaluating workplace diversity:

• Are all employees viewed as assets?
• Are there lower expectations of any employees because of their ethnicity or literacy level?
• Is there an overall atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement for all workers?
• Do diverse workers have levels of responsibility comparable to the dominant group?
• Are managers’ expectations lower for certain groups or individuals?
• Are certain ethnic groups overrepresented or underrepresented in some departments or areas?
• Are hiring and promotion opportunities open to all? What percent of management positions are filled by women and minorities? Are

   minorities or women regarded as “token” employees or are they respected? Are they resented?
• Are everyone’s ideas, proposals, and suggestions taken seriously?

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