Page 2 - 2022_1st & 2nd QTR VECA Newsletter
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Laura Rannow
 Spring has sprung here in the Northwest, and per the usual, that means we get every season of the year to occur within a few week time period. We can have the beautiful sun shining and 70 degrees one day, and the next day we walk outside to it snowing. It’s crazy
how quickly the weather can change around here during the spring!
Over the last several years of walking through a pandemic, we have seen the situation change
seemingly as quickly as the weather does during spring in Washington! One minute we had to
do one thing, the next day, it was something different. It was confusing, problematic to keep
up with, and I believe for all of us, exhausting! However, even though you had to deal with so much change and uncertainty, you all did it with such excellent attitudes. Every time you heard about something new we had to do, you stepped up and performed in the same incredible way you always have.
We are now coming out the other side of the pandemic, but it is not news to anyone that we are still surrounded by some challenging circumstances in our world today. Approaching every day from the viewpoint of abundance can make a difference in how we manage uncertainty. We can choose to see the possibilities in what lies ahead. We can choose to build each other up, appreciating each other for the hard work and dedication each one brings with them every day. Of course, these things do not erase the challenges we face, but they can change our perspective from an attitude of scarcity to an attitude of abundance. Throughout my 18 years here at VECA, I have seen this repeatedly with our electricians and our office staff. It is something that I so greatly admire and appreciate about you. Thank you all for walking through these seasons with abundance, and I am excited for us to continue walking together on the journey ahead!
 May & June
 5MAY Cinco de Mayo
   8MAY Mother's Day
Armed Forces Day
 While waiting for things to change, don’t be discontent with where you are. Learn to enjoy the season that you’re in.
Joel Osteen
Memorial Day
Father's Day

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