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June 2022 | 1st & 2nd Quarters
VECA Electric was on the team that recently won the Prestigious ASHE National Vista Award for Healthcare Infrastructure Projects at the Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett. The award was presented at the opening ceremony for the National ASHE Convention in New Orleans. The project included distribution upgrades and the replacement of 1960’s era switchgear in an active hospital containing patient rooms and 14 different departments.
As you can imagine the highest priority was maintaining power for critical lifesaving operations of the 24/7 hospital over the many phases of the project. The VECA project team included Project Executive Jim Eaton, Senior Project Manager Nancy Dumont, Project Superintendent Cody Leckner, General Foreman Jim Muldowney as well as our on-site General Foreman Jason Schoenwald.
Left to right: Peter Smeltz (Providence), Maureen Jackson (Stantec), Michael Newberry (Stantec), Travis Ackerman (VECA) there to receive the award on VECA’s behalf
 For more project info, please see snipit from the noted article below.
Source: HEALTH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Magazine | April 2022, Vol 35, Issue 3
Switchboard swap-out hits snags overcome by coordinated team effort
 Replacing a main switchboard at
a busy hospital that must remain operational is a tall task, especially when that electrical distribution switchboard dates back to the 1960s.
Consequently, when Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) in Everett, WA,, made the commitment to undergo this infrastructure project, it knew it had to carefully choose the experts it needed for this complex switchover.
The old switchboard, which served the A and B wings of PRMCE’s Colby campus, powered portions of the facility that house patient rooms and 14 different departments, including the main lab and pharmacy. The switchboard was nestled in a small, one-entrance electrical room that didn’t comply with current codes for separation or working clearances.
The project called for replacing the outdated switchboard with a code-
compliant installation that would ensure reliable power to the affected parts of the hospital for many years to come.
That meant the installation of a new normal service unit substation with distribution and new emergency power distribution switchboards along with replacement of the
four automatic transfer switches downstream of the switchboard that served the A and B wings of the medical center.
The highest priority was keeping the power flowing during construction so that critical lifesaving functions could continue to operate in the 24/7 hospital.
SQUARE FEET: 274,000
COST: $4,259,649
START DATE: July 2017 COMPLETION DATE: September 2020

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