Page 11 - 2021_4th QTR VECA Newsletter
P. 11

December 2021 | 4th Quarter
After 15 years with VECA, Tony decided it was time to retire! A few of his coworkers wanted to say a final goodbye.
I consider it a great privilege to work with Tony during the closing times of his career. He would always be there for advice both professionally and personally. Tony had the instinct of when to just step in and help the client or to tell them to stop talking about their backplanes and resolve
the issue. Tony’s thoughtfulness, work ethic and sometimes brutal honesty was always a positive part of my day. Many thanks Tony the C.
– Justin Gau
I have had the pleasure to know and work with Tony the C since 2012. We first met on a project he had been awarded at the Everett Boeing plant. If it wasn’t for Tony giving
me the opportunity to be part of that project I wouldn’t
be where I’m at today. The last 5 years we have worked together in Quincy WA at the Microsoft Data Centers Phases 2,4,5,6. Happy retirement Tony and thanks for all the good memories and mentoring. Go BLANTON.
– Dave Holscher My favorite Tony quote was “I would love to agree with you,
fancy bottle of bourbon, (Blanton’s) to a BBQ and the best part was he didn’t hardly drink any. We always had his back though and we made sure his quota didn’t go to waste.
Tony is one of the most caring, kind, giving people I have ever met. When an individual was experiencing a hardship, Tony was the first to step up and help in any way he could. There were many fundraisers where Tony would get the ball rolling with generous monetary donations. I watched him take time to help his own family members when they had no one else to rely on. He was always there for them regardless of the situation. We always talked about his elderly aunt Mary who had no children of her own. Watching what Tony did to support and care for his aunt in her final years makes me proud to call him my friend.
On a side note, I can honestly say that I am probably
the only one who ever made Tony mad during our time together. Tony was defending an individual who I was critical of. I don’t even remember the details but it lasted about 30 seconds and then it was over, (at least I think). That was the longest 30 seconds of my life and about as mad as I ever seen anyone ever get. Tony was a true Italian that day and believe me, I wasn’t critical any more.
The value that Tony bought to the team in Quincy, and I am sure all the other jobs he was a part of, would be impossible to quantify. His understanding of Technology is one of the best and it was put to good use every day. His personality and demeanor is about as good as it gets. I am sure his retirement will leave a huge void in our company that will be hard to fill.
Take care my friend, and when you stumble on some Blanton’s, you know where my woodshed is.
–John Pendergrass 11
   but then we’d both be wrong.”
He is a problem solver and helps make connections, so
everyone wins.
– Cole Gates
When I was asked to say something about Tony for his retirement, so many fond memories came to mind. We all know that when you work for VECA you are part of a large extended family. When you take your work on the road
for several years and part of that extended family goes
with you, it seems like they become real family. Tony and I started for VECA around the same time over 15 years ago. We crossed paths once or twice, but never really worked together until VECA was invited to go to Quincy for Microsoft in 2016. It was there that I got to know Tony along, with many others as more than just a coworker. Tony and I lived in the same community just a coupe blocks a part. We spent time hanging out outside of work as we were apart from our homes and families. I could always count on Tony to bring a
– Dan Pattison

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