Page 9 - 2021_4th QTR VECA Newsletter
P. 9

December 2021 | 4th Quarter
IMessage from Dave Dent
  ’ve decided to pass the Abundance and Appreciation
Award to Guy Gates. This past year I have been working with Guy and he has always given a 100 percent, even on a challenging project with daily “fire drills!” He shows up every day with a can do attitude! Anyone that has worked with Guy knows that’s just Guy! For that reason, I’m chosen Guy for the next recipient for the Abundance and Appreciation Award. Thanks Guy!
OCTOBER RECIPIENT: Dave Dent (left), Guy Gates (right)
UMessage from Wiebe Boersma
pon receiving the Abundance and Appreciation award,
I immediately knew a worthy recipient to pass it on to,
and that’s Daniel Mead. I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside Dan since I began working at VECA in 2016. His skills, knowledge and dedication are all the highest caliber! There are several industrial clients that the Bellingham branch services, that have very complex, (and most of the time) antiquated systems which are difficult to work on and troubleshoot. The vast majority of these businesses call on Dan directly when elements of their production need immediate fixing or updates need to be made to their process. This is due to the fact that he consistently rises to the challenges presented and is able
to develop creative solutions. He exceeds the expectations
of our clients, shows great attention to detail, and ensures electrical safety in all aspects of his work! A majority of the jobs Dan is tasked with are design/build, and there are few who can wear the many hats it takes for these types of jobs
to be as successful as they are under his supervision. I’m very grateful for all the insights and lessons Dan has given me over the years, which have made me a better electrician, and I look forward to continuing to work together.”
NOVEMBER RECIPIENT: Wiebe Boersma (left), Guy Gates (right) IMessage from Guy Gates
’ve decided to pass the Abundance and Appreciation Award
to Wiebe Boersma. I’ve had the pleasure to know Wiebe for 20+ years outside of work and around 6+ years in the trade. During both those timelines I cannot come up with one bad thing to say about him. Everything Wiebe does, he does with 100% - both in and outside of work! He definitely deserves the recognition of this award and I hope we all get the opportunity to work with Wiebe for years to come! Thanks Wiebe for all you do!
DECEMBER RECIPIENT: Daniel Mead (left), Wiebe Boersma (right) 9

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