Page 7 - 2021_4th QTR VECA Newsletter
P. 7
December 2021 | 4th Quarter
RMessage from Marcos Silva
eally excited to be able to pass this award on to Mario
Mendoza. Being on many jobs with Mario it’s easy to see that he is a true leader by his example of hard work, and continuously has his team going in the right direction,
Mario is a great representation of VECA’s values.
SEPTEMBER RECIPIENT: Mario Mendoza (left), Marcos Silva (right) IMessage from Mario Mendoza
t is my pleasure to pass the abundance and appreciation
award to Valentino Alvarado. I’ve had the opportunity to work with Valentino multiple times in the past and have been able to see him develop his skills as an apprentice. His no quit attitude and ability to think outside the box allows him to overcome most obstacles he comes across. Valentino is very mindful
of the balance between quality/craftsmanship and efficiency when it comes to keeping the moving forward. These are only a few traits he has that exemplify VECA’s values.
Thank you for all that you contribute!
NOVEMBER RECIPIENT: Scott Ward (left), Mario Mendoza (right) IMessage from Valentino Alvarado
t is my pleasure to pass the Abundance and Appreciation
award to William "Scott" Ward. Scott has a uplifting aura and that can brighten up anyone’s Monday morning.
I have worked with Scott for a year and seen him overcome and outsmart any challenge tossed to him. Scott is very mindful and task detailed. He’s never been a person to speak down to anyone and always gives the opportunity to teach/ help out a fellow brother/sister. These are only a few traits he has that exemplify VECA’s values. Thank you Scott!
DECEMBER RECIPIENT: Scott Ward (left), Keith Swenson (right) KMessage from Scott Ward
eith is hard working, self motivated, eager to learn
new aspects of our trade each and every day. He always has a great attitude and has skill way above his level of apprenticeship.
He always keeps his crew entertained with his outstanding personality which keeps projects moving forward and will take on any task put in front of him. He is exactly what VECA stands for, knowledge, skill, professionalism and a great attitude.
OCTOBER RECIPIENT: Valentino Alvarado (left), Mario Mendoza (right)