Page 4 - FOC Fall Winter 2020 Newsletter
P. 4

ACAF                     Jorge Villar

                                          ACAF Exective Director

                                          Working to help the neediest is
       Asociacion Civil Apoyo             something wonderful but I must
                 Familiar                 confess that it has been no easy task
                                          during this pandemic.
          (Civil Association Supporting
                  Families)               At the start of the lockdown in March
                                          many staff members insisted on going
                                          out to help. I knew in my heart that we
      The Peruvian faith-based, civil     had to do something, and in between
      association was created in          my fear and frustration, I asked God to
      2005 to administer Mission          guide me to go on.  A few days later
                                          the  Head  of  the  Police  force  gave  us
      programs. Over 90 Peruvian
                                          a special permission so that, with all
      employees of ACAF utilize           of the necessary health and safety
      the donor funding secured           protocols, we were able to go and take
      and managed by Friends              food to hundreds of vulnerable families who were suffering. I must say that we
      of Chimbote to combat the           have been blessed and we are fortunate because we have continued to help
      daily affects of poverty while      from that day until now.
      empowering the poor through         It was very gratifying to feel such happiness and excitement when seeing
      education and transformation        children smile again, and the 15 mothers who received their prefabricated
                                          wooden houses with a mixture of tears and smiles, after having lost everything
      opportunities. Meeting the
                                          in a devastating fire.
      diverse needs of the poor
      are a dedicated staff of            Without a doubt this will be one of the most memorable experiences, one
                                          that I will never forget. Our brave staff, the community and its leaders working
      social workers, psychologists,
                                          together as a team. I have no doubt that this will strengthen my commitment.
      teachers, attorneys, lenders,       We are very proud of the work we do and are grateful, to God and to all of
      construction workers,               you, for continuing to support us and for believing in our work.
      carpenters, trainers, guards
                                          Of course I am also grateful to our dedicated staff. In helping those in the
      and maintenance personnel.
                                          greatest need in our community, over half of our staff have been infected
                                          with COVID.  They continue to persevere because the needs of our brothers
                                                                                and sisters are so great. They have
      ACAF leaders are in the
                                                                                inspired me. I know you would be
      community each day to assess
                                                                                proud of them.  I have witnessed their
      needs, manage employees
                                                                                love and solidarity every time they go
      and visitors working in the
                                                                                out to take help to our brothers and
      programs and collaborate
                                                                                sisters who put their hope in us. Their
      with community leaders. The                                               commitment truly makes a difference!
      ACAF Board is a qualified
                                                                                In these difficult times we are convinced
      group of community leaders
                                                                                that “there are great blessings in the
      and a Friends of Chimbote                                                 midst of darkness” and that together,
      liaison. Friends of Chimbote                                              thanks to your support, we will
      and ACAF staff and leaders                                                overcome this.
      interact dynamically each week                                            Thank you for your prayers and your
      to effectively deliver Mission                                            generous support. We hope to see
      programs.                                                                 you soon. Stay safe and have a blessed
                                                                                Christmas season.

                                                                                Take great care

                                                                                Jorge Villar

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