Page 7 - FOC Fall Winter 2020 Newsletter
P. 7

COVID 2020

                                                                                       Our Response...
      FALL/WINTER 2020

      CARPENTRY SHOP                                              COMMON POTS
      The carpentry shop                                          (Olla Comuns)
      has reopened and is                                         Due to the increased
      operating 5 days a week.                                    poverty and
      The ACAF carpentry                                          unemployment, many
      shop was blessed with                                       new community soup
      a donation of 26 tons                                       kitchens have started up
      of wood from the Sider                                      in the barrios. Community
      Peru Company.  The                                          neighbors have decided
      shop has been extremely                                     to gather together and
      busy building furniture                                     prepare meals for the
      for the victims of the                                      most vulnerable in their
      devasting fires, white                                      surrounding areas. ACAF
      boards, garden boxes                                        has provided over 70 bags of food.  Each bag
      and they recently were allowed to go back into the          provides enough food for 40 people.
      barrios to build homes and the latest soup kitchen.

       FOOD                                                       NUTRITIONAL
       DISTRIBUTION                                               PACKETS
       The distribution of                                        As the distribution
       essential food packets                                     of the essential food
       was a priority after the                                   packets continued.  The
       mandated quarantine                                        ACAF staff took things
       began in March.  This                                      to a different level and
       continues to be a weekly                                   wanted to provide
       effort and as the ACAF                                     education on the
       staff walks on the front                                   importance of nutrition
       lines continued need is                                    and how to make the
       recognized.  The packets                                   food supplies that they
       contain a bag of rice,                                     were receiving be used
       sugar, milk, oil, oatmeal, noodles, beans and a bag of     properly and provide the most nutritional benefits.
       20 rolls from the ACAF bakery.  Over 9,000 families        These packets include recipes and ingredients to
       have received this blessing. $18 feeds a family of four    prepare health sustaining meals.
       for one week.

       MEDICAL                                                     SOUP KITCHENS
       Hospitals in Chimbote                                       ACAF continues
       are collapsing with the                                     to operate 4  soup
       staggering number                                           kitchens and they
       of people trying to                                         have remained open
       get medical care.                                           during the lock down
       The loss of so many                                         and the number of
       lives and the sense of                                      beneficiaries continue
       great desperation has                                       to rise.  Since the
       developed due to the                                        COVID outbreak
       lack of equipment and                                       37,735 portions of
       infrastructure. During                                      food have been served
       these past few months,                                      to our brothers and
       the ACAF medical services has provided aid to over          sisters in Chimbote and surrounding communities.
       440 beneficiaries with medicine, medical supplies,
       exams and support.                                                                                     PAGE 7
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