Page 4 - Spring Summer 2022 FoC Newsletter
P. 4
ACAF Jorge Villar
ACAF Exective Director
Greetings from Chimbote!
Dear friends,
Asociacion Civil Apoyo As I write this message, I am proud
to be able to say that “all of the work
(Civil Association Supporting and efforts continue to respond to the
Families) cries of the poorest.” Without a doubt
the difficulties we face globally and,
in our country, especially the political
The Peruvian faith-based, civil instability we are living through and the
association was created in 2005 alarming inflation of food prices, have
to administer Mission programs. made our work even more necessary,
Over 80 Peruvian employees of but sadly this also makes the cries of the
ACAF utilize the donor funding poor even more difficult.
secured and managed by Friends We know that
of Chimbote to combat the these new challenges are constant and as they continue to
daily affects of poverty while “all of the appear throughout the world and the situation worsens in
empowering the poor through work and countries like Peru, our commitment also grows and we know
education and transformation efforts that we are stronger together. We have learned to grow and
opportunities. Meeting the demonstrate that there are always opportunities available
diverse needs of the poor are a continue to and something to give and offer to our beneficiaries even
dedicated staff of social workers, respond to in the middle of the crises we are facing. We do not doubt
psychologists, teachers, attorneys, that we will continue to receive blessings from God, as we
lenders, construction workers, the cries know that you, our benefactors, along with us on the ground
carpenters, trainers, guards and of the in Chimbote, “together” we have become an instrument to
maintenance personnel. poorest” bring hope and create opportunities for thousands of families
who hope to improve their quality of life, who dream of
having a safe home, food for their children and slowly leaving
ACAF leaders are in the their poverty-stricken living conditions.
community each day to assess I must also say that this first trimester of 2022 has been very rewarding, especially to
needs, manage employees and see how our employees go above and beyond to participate in the varied campaigns,
visitors working in the programs with acts of generosity and support for the most vulnerable communities. Without a
and collaborate with community shadow of a doubt, we have a great team!
leaders. The ACAF Board is a I also want to thank you for always being there alongside us; for your prayers and
qualified group of community generosity which makes a huge difference in the lives of so many families. Thank you so
leaders and a Friends of Chimbote much for your constant support,
liaison. Friends of Chimbote which encourages us to remain
and ACAF staff and leaders steadfast and committed to our
interact dynamically each week purpose. I am sure that God will
to effectively deliver Mission shower His blessings upon you,
programs. and I wish you all success, good
health and prosperity.
Hope to see you very soon!
May God bless you and
protect you!!