Page 8 - Spring Summer 2022 FoC Newsletter
P. 8


               FoC Staff, Board Members and Donors Travel to Chimbote

       After two long years of navigating through uncharted waters and guiding each
       other from a distance...we were able to get feet back on the ground in Chimbote
       the end of April.  A FoC group of staff, board members and donors forged the
       path into uncertainty but were welcomed with unimaginable gratitude and joy.
       It was a week packed full of conversations, observations, decisions
       and discovery.

                MONDAY                                    TUESDAY                              WEDNESDAY

      Despite  a  few  delays  due  to  fog  in   Father  Erasmo  blessed  the  arrival  of   FoC Team was able to visit the Hospital
      Trujillo...the FoC Discovery Team arrived   the FoC team into the Cambio Puente   la Caleta. They have a temporary tent
      in Chimbote on Monday, April 25th. They   Community  with  a  welcome  Mass.   set  up  for  COVID  patients.    Hospital
      were welcomed with open arms by the     The  day  continued  with  meeting     has  received some relief and  there
                                              future beneficiaries and  following up
                                                                                     were open beds.  A tour of the Hospice
      ACAF staff and community neighbors.     with a beneficiary...Florcita Martinez.  Building and discussions for the future.

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