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ACAF                     Jorge Villar
                                          ACAF Exective Director

                                            Greetings from Chimbote!
                                          I hope this message finds you well. Over
                                          the  past  months  our  country  had  the
                                          most difficult challenges going through
      Asociacion Civil Apoyo              political  unrest,  marked  by  strikes  and

                 Familiar                 protests  that  have  had  a  significant
         (Civil Association Supporting    impact in our operations. The blockades
                  Families)               and  disruptions  in  transportation
                                          generated  disrupted  daily  life  and
                                          hindered  the  delivery  of  essential
      The Peruvian faith-based, civil     services specially for those more in need.
      association was created in 2005     This  situation  has  made  it  increasingly
      to administer Mission programs.     difficult to receive visitor mission groups
      Over 80 Peruvian employees of       to Chimbote and worse to reach remote
      ACAF utilize the donor funding      areas  where  our  assistance  was  most
      secured and managed by Friends      needed.  Moreover, the recent nature-
      of Chimbote to combat the           related challenges, such as flooding and heavy rains, have added another layer of
      daily affects of poverty while      complexity to our efforts. These events have resulted in the displacement of families,
      empowering the poor through         destruction  of  houses,  and  further  exacerbation  of  the  vulnerabilities  faced  by
      education and transformation        impoverished communities. In response, we have been actively involved in emergency
      opportunities. Meeting the          relief efforts, providing immediate assistance, and collaborating with local parishes to
      diverse needs of the poor are a     support the affected populations.
      dedicated staff of social workers,   Our  team  has  had  to  find  alternative  routes  and  explore  innovative  means  of
      psychologists, teachers, attorneys,   transportation  to  continue  delivering  vital  aid,  including  food,  water,    medical
      lenders, construction workers,      supplies, and other essential items. In the face of these challenges, I am incredibly
      carpenters, trainers, guards and    proud  of  our  team’s  dedication,  resilience,  and  determination.  Together,  we  have
      maintenance personnel.              achieved significant milestones and positively impacted the lives of many families and
                                          communities such as Cambio Puente, San Jacinto, Moro, Casma, Rinconada,  the most
                                          affected communities with the floods and heavy rains where families lost part or in
      ACAF leaders are in the             some cases their entire house.
      community each day to assess        As  we  move  forward,  the  limited  resources,  infrastructure  constraints,  and  social
      needs, manage employees and         barriers  often  impede  our  progress.  We  rely  on  the  support  and  collaboration  of
      visitors working in the programs    individuals  and  organizations  like  you  to  overcome  these  obstacles  and  make  a
      and collaborate with community      difference in the lives of those in need. Your continued support allows us to expand
      leaders. The ACAF Board is a        our  programs,  reach  more  communities,  and  provide  sustainable  solutions  to  the
      qualified group of community        issues faced by the poor in Chimbote and the surrounding communities.
      leaders and a Friends of Chimbote   As we navigate these challenges together, I invite you to join us in our mission, to
      liaison. Friends of Chimbote        come to Chimbote to work with us. No matter the challenges we faced there is no
      and ACAF staff and leaders          doubt that God is giving us more blessings.  Currently our country is peaceful again
      interact dynamically each week      and we are receiving passionate visitor groups to keep building houses and providing
      to effectively deliver Mission      opportunities,  making  the  difference  in  the  life  of    the  most  vulnerable  families.
      programs.                           Together, we can empower the poor, create a sustainable future, and contribute to the
                                          overall well-being of the families in our Country.
                                          Thank you for your ongoing support and belief in our work. Together,  with your help,
                                          we can continue to bring hope and transformative change to those who need it most.

                                                                                                    With Gratitude,
                                                                                                   Jorge Villar

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