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ACAF Vocational Programs
Classes Reopen
After a long pandemic...ACAF is pleased to announce the reopening of
two vocational programs which were deeply missed.
The textile sewing workshop began classes with 10 enrolled, including
mothers from Cambio Puente living in extreme poverty. The program
was moved to the Virgin of Mercy Church in Cambio Puente and students
attend 3 classes per week. The workshop seeks to train these women in
new skills, to give them purpose and worth, promote entrepreneurship
and generate income to improve their quality of life and that of their
families. It is expected that the workshop will be the beginning of a path
full of opportunities for these mothers.
The CETPRO ACAF Culinary School opened its doors in a new location
in the Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Chimbote. 10 students began
instructional classes with the guidance of the CETPRO expert Chef. At
this time, much of their training has been preparing a meal each week
for an FoC Mission Team. The school seeks to train these individuals in
the field of cooking, learn the value of nutrition and help students to be
the best in their culinary techniques. This skill will in turn provide them
an opportunity to generate income and improve their quality of life.