Page 2 - October 2020- CommExpert Digest
P. 2

The CommExpert Digest          You contract  with good  intent,  but if   I think the future is good for Nutrition as
                                                                 well—We were there at a time when you
                                  somebody wants to be unfaithful to the spirit
   spoke with Daniel              of that partnership, they can really hurt you.   could hardly find anything on the shelves,
                                                                 and I don’t think people will easily forget
                                  So, we have  learned that sometimes  we
   Salvadori, Executive Vice      need to be more exacting in our  contract   that. Much like 9/11 and WWII, I think this
   President of Abbott            language. Your distributor may be run by a   pandemic will [greatly] shape our lives. I
                                                                 am not a pundit, but I know that people are
   Nutrition. Read his take on    noble gentleman today,  but it  may be   shopping online more  than ever.  I  don’t
                                  managed by a different  professional
   anticipating impact below:     tomorrow. And Legal is a key part to enable   think COVID created this trend;  it just
                                  the contract structure so you are prepared   accelerated it. I think COVID has been an
   Within  LCO,  we have been  trying to  for the worst. Julius Caesar said: “Si vis   accelerator of  many  trends.  If you were
   define what impact is and what it means  pacem, para bellum”. In order to have peace,   going to get divorced or fall in love, now
   to be impactful. As a corporate officer  prepare for war. That is a great analogy to   that you’ve been locked down with your
   who leads one of  Abbott’s largest  what should happen in a good contract. In   partner,  you are  going to get  a divorce
   divisions,  what does it  means for the  both cases—success  and the failure—   faster or fall in love faster. So, COVID has   In EPD, you have to be careful about
   Legal division to create impact for your   what’s important is to have honest dialogue   been a great accelerator of many things   consumer engagement through HCP,
   business?                      between Legal and Commercial, because at   that  would have happened eventually.  I   IP, and the regulatory timelines. Those
                                  the end of the day, we want the same thing.   think some of this impact will stay, and the   can  really change a lot. In Nutrition,
   I really think it comes down to two principles.               consumer will [remember Abbott  as a]   the first thing I have found is this is a
   The first one  is that  Legal  can enable our   I know we want to avoid talking about   powerhouse brand name. This has been   very fast environment. What was okay
   division to win. The second principle is that   COVID, because it is all we ever hear   a net positive for Abbott, and I think the   yesterday may not be okay tomorrow,
   Legal can protect the business. What does it   about, but  COVID  will undoubtedly   future for the company is a bright one.   so, your reaction time needs to be at a
   mean to be an enabler? We  want  to  win   have an impact on not just Abbott but            completely different [speed] than what
   market share by providing our customers with   the world at large. What do you predict   You have lived, studied, and worked   I used to have in EPD where I thought
   better  products than our competitors.                        in several different countries. For   I  was pretty quick.  And  that requires
   Sometimes we do that by having a superior   for the future of Abbott as a result of   whose scope of work is global, how   you to be even more careful about all
   product which has a novel ingredient. Legal   COVID and the impact it  has  had  on   do  you  believe  your  global  the legal implications of what you do
   can be a great partner to figure out [how we]   our lives?    experience has affected your ability   or don’t do. Different industries require
   can protect that ingredient. Do we have any                   to  predict  and  anticipate  trends  in   you  to have different kinds of
   way  to patent that new ingredient  together   For Abbott,  this has been a  positive,   our industry?   sensitivities and  awareness. Overall
   with our formula? If not, can we partner with   because the brand name recognition (thanks   though, I  consider myself very
   Legal to find  innovative ways to have   especially to  what our colleagues  in             fortunate to have had the experience
   exclusive supply for Abbott to have a   Diagnostics have been able to accomplish)   I  wish I was  good enough  to anticipate   to see two apparently similar but very
   competitive  advantage?  The  second  has  been incredible. Abbott is now a   trends in the industry. I think you are never   different environments.
   [principle] is protecting  the business  from   household brand name like it has never been   good enough—you can always do a better
   adversities, helping us see risk and potential   before. I love the ad that our colleagues in   job. I  always continue learning, and the
   issues where we may not be trained to see   Public Affairs put out [that] reads: “At a time   second  you  think you know, you get   What are a  few  takeaways that
   them and then helping us avoid those pitfalls;   when the world is testing us, we, Abbott, are   another surprise, like COVID. Living and   you would like to give people in
   [that’s the] other great impact that Legal can   testing back.” I love that ad, because I think   working in different  parts  of the world   Legal  so  that  we  can  ensure  a
   have on our business.          that is so much what Abbott DNA is about.   gives you more perspective. You    successful  and  impactful
                                  When there is a  crisis, the  best  of Abbott   understand how different  environments   relationship between Legal and
   Can you provide an example of a time   comes out. When the world was faced with   need to be dealt with [varying] degrees of   Business?
                                                                 preparedness (sometimes suspicion), but
   at Abbott when your function and Legal   the HIV pandemic, that is when Abbott came   at the end of the day, I will say two things:
   successfully  worked  together  to  out  swinging and ascended to  be  a key   Number one, at the very core, companies   Think as if this as if it was your own
   anticipate a positive or negative trend   leader in healthcare. And the same   are made of human beings, and human   business—you need to find  the  right
                                  happened now, and I think the world is not
   that  would significantly impact the   going to forget the  great contribution that   beings are human beings. They have their   balance of risk. You  don’t want  your
   business? If not an example of  Abbott has made in record time. This leads   nobleness, and  they have their pitfalls,   little business  to go down  due  to a
   success, then do you have an example    me to believe that the future for Abbott   and those are the same [no matter where   huge storm, so, you need to keep the
   in which your function and Legal failed   should be rosier than ever  before. And as   you  are]. So, this is my second  point:   business safe,  and  stay within the
                                                                                               boundary of law, but at the same time,
   and instead learned a lesson?    much as I have mentioned our colleagues in   While there is a common ground for us as   you  need to understand where  and
                                  Diagnostics, this doesn’t take away what we   human beings, the difference is in the   how to  take risk. And to take  risk
   Legal has been a key enabler of success [for]   continue  doing  in the rest of Abbott. Our   nuances  -  and understanding those   doesn’t mean doing something you’re
                                                                 nuances is what  sometimes makes the
   our negotiation [with] the  supplier of HMO.   colleagues in Devices have continued   difference  between  reaching  an  not supposed to do. It means “Okay,
   We have a successful contract in place that   bringing  to market great innovations like the   agreement or not.  You need  to    maybe  this reimbursement  clause is
   has  [exclusive] guarantee for supply. This   Mitraclip and Libre 2 & 3. Alinity was rolled   understand that some unspoken rules or   something I should give up, because
                                  out right before COVID, but that doesn’t take
   contract has enabled [the Business] to create   away from the innovation of that equipment   cultural  norms  could make a huge   the benefit of the risk is greater in the
   a great image for Abbott in Pediatric Nutrition   for hospitals, especially  [when] we  are   difference; sometimes,  it  can breach an   balance of things to make me more
   worldwide. Legal has been  a partner ALL   struggling to obtain significant testing   ideological  difference,  so,  cultural  competitive.” In the ideal world,  we
   along  the way in what  [has  been] a very   capabilities in a small space in record time.   proximity  helps [us] bridge ideological   would all  like  to compete freely and
                                                                                               have no business risks. The reality is
   tortuous and difficult road to victory. [Other]   If you think about emerging markets and how   differences. I think having lived in different   that  in every decision you  make—
   examples of success include Legal [helping]   hard they have been hit by COVID, Abbott is   regions has helped me be more sensitive   whether you cross the street, you get
   us navigate a lot of [claims] challenges. We   bringing them generic-branded medications   to  those  cultural differences. It’s very   behind the wheel of your car –you take
   get  those challenges  all  the time from our   at a fraction of the cost of an originator drug.   important for  all of us to know those   a certain degree of  calculated risk.
   competitors, and we want to continue being   EPD is a partner for all of those households   cultural differences, how to bridge them,   You don’t want to go above the speed
                                                                 and how to dialogue, because at the basis
   able to explain to consumers the strength of   that have lost income in emerging markets   of any  negotiation, you  need to have  a   limit; that’s illegal. [But] can you drive
   our products. Legal has been a very helpful   where [most things] are out-of-pocket.    neutral understanding [of one another].     42 mph  versus  30 mph when the
   partner [in] explaining to the authorities why                                              speed limit is 45? You are still within
   we  should  be  able  to  continue                            At Abbott, you have held executive    the limit, but you are taking more risk.
   communicating our  products’ benefits. Our                                                  If this was your  own business, what
   competitors feel that  those [challenges] will                positions at different divisions. Can   would  you do?  You wouldn’t wreck
   discourage us from continuing [to defend] the                 you talk about  how  working  within   your car [speeding], but you probably
                                                                 different businesses  of the  same   won't drive 10 mph, otherwise, you will
   claims on  our products; having  a  good                      company has shaped your business   be the last one to arrive—that’s what
   partner in  Legal is what enables us to                       strategy and decision-making?    Legal & Business should think about.
   continue fighting and being out there with our                                              The  other  thing is  keeping an open
   messages.  There have  been examples                                                        dialogue. Share what is on your mind
   where we have  learned a  couples of                          EPD and AN have a lot of things in    openly, honestly, and in a forthcoming
   lessons—there have been some distribution                     common but also a lot of differences. They   way, because at the end of the day, I
                                                                 are two consumer-facing businesses but
   agreements where we  rely  on partners                        in completely different ways. What I have   am of the  convention that every
   around the world to distribute our product in                 gathered is  that different industries    human being is intrinsically good, and
   countries where we don’t have the presence                    require  you to focus your antennas  on    I may be naïve, but I think that through
   or skill to do so ourselves.                                  different things.             honest dialogue and cooperation, you
                                                                                               can achieve a great deal.
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