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Friends like we called ourselves, was what we truly became; irrespective of our
differences in age. Younger friends, Intermediate friends, Older friends
We grew to love, care and look out for each other. Most importantly, we learnt from one
another. Our day will usually start with a friendly meeting on the floor mat at circle time.
The 3- hour work cycle saw us all in learning action. Teachers guided while children moved
around, working with materials to grow their physical, social, emotional and intellectual
As younger friends learnt to count numbers, intermediate friends learnt to write those
numbers and older friends manipulated the numbers in different operations: addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
As the younger ones learnt to identify letters. Some others learnt to write them while our
older friends blended them to make words, phrases and sentences. It was a blend of
abilities. Older ones mentored and younger ones learnt to look up to them and ask for
Like a bolt out of the blues, came the virus called corona. This invisible virus was strong
enough to send us all out of physical school to what became our online school; another
Tulip Badejo, on the laptop and other devices. Learning continued and it was fun to see
ourselves on the screen, as teachers taught. Music and cookery lessons were fun. Reading
was fun too and break-out sessions were interesting. The Greensprings Learning Room
(GLR) was an all-encompassing experience, preparing us adequately for our next level.
As our older friends graduate soon to Year one, we release them happily but know that we
will most certainly miss them.
Tulip Badejo was a big happy family of awesome boys and girls, held lovingly together by
two Montessori directresses. 8
Ifeoma Badejo
Class Teacher