Page 5 - HofH Donor Booklet
P. 5

                                                 Following God’s leading the newly
        1999                                     formed board of directors started a

                                                  plan to build a home for women
                                                 and children. In 1999 the building
                                                   on Darlington Street opened. It
                                                   was called the House of Hope.

        2006                                      In 2006 the name New Life Rescue Ministries was changed to
                                                            HOUSE OF HOPE OF THE PEE DEE

                                                           House of Hope of the Pee Dee for all facilities.

                                                             COURTNEY MCGINNIS GRAHAM
                                                                   COMMUNITY SHELTER
        2016                                     her memory. The House of Hope was thrilled to open this much
                                                 Courtney Graham loved caring for those in need, and when she
                                                 passed her family wanted to see an emergency shelter opened in

                                                                     needed shelter in her honor.

        2022                                         In 2017 the men’s original shelter in Effingham was no longer
                                                                            HOPE VILLAGE

                                                        useable, and the men were transitioned to the facility on
                                                      Darlington Street. The need for dignified, long-term shelter
                                                         for women and children was answered in 2022 with the

                                                      opening of 24 tiny houses in the HOPE Village community.

                                                           ARC (ADDICTIONS RECOVERY CENTER)
        2023                                            Addictions recovery has always been at the heart of what

                                                        we do, and this facility has given the House of Hope the
                                                         opportunity to formalize recovery programs for men.
                                                         This addition has helped men find better success in our
                                                                        programs than ever before.
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