P. 10
b) Kegiatan Belajar 2
Setelah Kalian memahami unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lakukan kegiatan berikut ini.
Bacalah teks naratif di bawah ini, untuk memahami isi teks lengkapilah bagan di
King Midas
Once upon a time, there
was a rich king who was never
happy. His name name was Midas.
Even though King Midas was already
rich, he dreamed to be richest king
in the world.
King Midas loved sitting on
his golden throne and
contemplating ways to become
richer. One day, one of his servants came to him with an old man. He said the old man
had been found wandering around in the orchard. It was Silenus, the friend of the god
Suddenly, King Midas had an idea. He welcomed the old man and let him be his
guest for ten days. He served Silenus well.
After ten days, King Midas took Silenus back to Baccus. The god was very happy
to see his lost friend. He then said to King Midas that he would grant him any wish he
King Midas had been waiting for the offer. This was his chance to become the
richest king in the world. Without hasitating, hea sked so that everything he touched
would turninto gold. The god Baccus granted his wish.
Upon returning to his palace. King Midas tested his new power. He picked up a
stone. Soon it turned into gold. A servant brought King Midas a bowl of water so that he
could wash his hands. As soon as he put his hands into the bowl, the water turned to
gold. Next, King Midas took a piece of bread. Before he could get it to his mouth, it too
had turned to gold. He could not eat any food beacuse it would turn to gold.
Dejected, King Midas went for walk in his garden. His children ran up to him and
he held them in his arms. They immediately turned into gold statues. King Midas cried in
sadness seeing what he had done.
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