P. 6

Direct speech is usually placed inside quotation marks and accompanied by a
                                 reporting verb, signal phrase, or quotative frame.

                                 o   A South Carolina parrot was the sole witness to the death by neglect of a 98-
                                     year-old woman. "Help me, Help me," said the parrot.
                                 o   “So if I win at that table, I’ll go on to the World Series,” said the mom I know as
                                     some kind of government contractor.

                                Adjectives and adverbs

                                 o   Adjectives are words that give us:
                                      Objective information about something (age, size, colour, origin, materials,
                                        and shape).
                                         Tom lives in a new house. (age)
                                         Tom lives in a big house. (size)
                                         Tom put the wooden statue on the table (material)
                                         Tom drives his red car to the office. (colour)
                                         Tom drives his Japanese car to the office. (origin)
                                         Tom keeps his diary in a square box. (shape)
                                      Opinion about something
                                         Tom lives in a beautiful house.
                                         The house is luxurious.

                                     We also use adjectives after these verbs: get, feel, smell, taste, sound, seem,
                                     look, grow.

                                 o   Adverbs are words that show us how something happens.
                                         The man drove his car carefully.
                                         She ate her brakfast quickly.

                              Setelah Kalian memahami unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, bacalah teks di bawah ini.
                              Garis bawahi dan beri nama setiap unsur kebahasaan yang Kalian temui.

                                Once upon atime in Ivory Coast in East Africa, there      ......................
                                was a poor, kind hearted peasant who lived with his       ......................
                                wife in a quiet village.                                  ......................
                                       One day, a famine struck his village, so the       ......................
                                peasant   and   his   wife   moved   to   another   village  ......................
                                across a deep forest. They drove a small wooden           ......................
                                wagon withdrawn by an old donkey. After they had          ......................
                                left their village, they met a pigmy boy on the way       ......................
                                to the forest. The boy waved to them. The peasant         ......................
                                stoped his wagon and the boy asked them for a lift        ......................
                                on the wagon. The farmer permited him.                    ......................
                                       Assoon as he had got into the wagon, the           ......................
                                wagon got so heavy that it ran more slowly than
                  BING-38/48/2/1                                                                                                                                                              5
                                before.   The   boy   had   not   said   anything   to   the  ......................
                                peasant and his wife untill they reached the forest.      ......................
                                When they had reached the middle of the forest,           ......................
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