P. 3

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

                   a. Pendahuluan
                      Sebelum mengikuti kegiatan belajar ini Kalian perlu memahami tentang teks naratif. Bacalah
                      cerita di bawah ini, perhatikan pada fungsi sosial, susunanteks dan unsur kebahasaannya.
                      Mintalah saran feedback dari Bapak Guru atau teman kalian
                      bila kalian menjumpai keragu-raguan.

                      Before you start studying this topic, you should understand
                      about Narratif text. As the first step, read the text below.

                  Structure          Social function to entertain the reader or listener        Language
                                                       BATU BADAUN
                                                    A Folktale from Maluku

                                    A long time ago, on Tanimbar Island, Maluku, there        The use of past
                                    lived a widow and her two children, a boy and a girl. The
                  Orientation       children   were   mean   spoiled.  They   never  knew  hard   tense
                                    work and neither did they help their mother with the
                                    household chores.
                                            One   day,   they   woke   up   when   he   sun   was
                                    already high. They went to the kitchen to look for food,
                 Complication       but nothing was served. The food was still being cooked

                                    but their mother was not around. They smashed the
                                    cooking pots in rage.                                        The use of
                                            They went to look for their mother and found          adverbs
                  Resolution        her washing their clothes at the river. They complained
                                    to and shouted at her. It made the widow cry.
                                            Suddently, she stopped crying. She said to her
                                    children, “From now on you are no longer my children.     The use of direct
                                    Do whatever you want. I’m not coming back home.”               speech
                                            Then the widow went to a big rock by the river
                                    and said, “Please open up, big rock. Let me come inside
                                    you and become a white, sweet-smelling flower.” The
                                    big rock opened up. She went inside and the rock closed
                                    over her.
                                            After a few days, a small plant started growing
                                    under   the   big   rock.   White,   sweet-smelling   flowers  The use of
                 Reorientation      blooed from it. It had alot of leaves as well. The villagers  subordinate
                                    called the big rock Batu Badaun.                             conjunction
                                            What happened to the widow’s children? The
                     Coda           cruelchildren   were   forced   to   leave   by   the   angry
                                    villagers. They were never heard of again.                   The use of

                      From the text above, there are some points that you have to consider:
                         Social function of the text
                         The structure of the text
                         Language features that usually in the text

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