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On Holiday

             Dads and moms work very hard six
             or seven days a week in Taiwan.                                          self-centered

             Boys and girls study very hard and                                       Attitude
             help their parents.

             But, on holidays and occasionally on                                  Mira Meefirst:
             Sundays … it’s off to the beach, the                                  Wow, Otto! I hope I get so-o-o
             mountains, or the park! Food and                                      many presents all wrapped up
             family are important on these special
             outings.                                                              in pretty paper just for me
                                                                                   underneath my

                                                                                   Christmas tree.
             We barbeque squid, fish, chicken, or
             Chinese sausages to
             put between bread for
             a sandwich. We grill                                                     OR
             corn on the cob with
             soy sauce. Hot, spicy                                   Outreach Otto:
             cabbage salad is
             popular, and cotton                                     Mira, the best gift of
             candy is a tasty treat.                                 all isn’t found under
                                                                     your tree!
             Relaxing, visiting, and                                 It is found in your
             laughing with our                                       heart when you
             family leaves us feeling                                receive God’s greatest
             rested and happy.
                                                                     gift of salvation
                                                                     through Jesus.


     Fish eyes are considered a delicacy in many parts of
     the world. In fact, kids may fight over who gets to eat          Gratitude
     this special round treat.
     The Smith family was enjoying a special Chinese New
     Year meal with Chinese friends.                                Max is on the move again!

                                 One of the dishes was a whole      Can you guess where Max
                                 (ungutted, with head and           will travel next?
                                 scales) deep fried fish about        Here are some clues:
                                 seven inches long. Eight-year-
                                 old Linus wanted to try it and     •  Known as the sports capital
                                 started by biting off the head.        of the world.
                                                                    •  More than 200 different
     After chewing thoughtfully for a while, Linus leaned over          languages are spoken.
     to his mom and said, “I feel like I should spit out the
     eyes.” Out of his mouth popped two little fish eyes.           •  Has more than 10,000 beaches.
                                                                    •  Invented Wi-Fi & the term “selfie.”
     He bravely tried one more bite. His mom told him it was
     okay if he did not finish all of it.                           •  Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2021 One Mission Society.
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