Page 3 - MAX Ecuador Travel Guide 2020
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Freddy’s Fun Facts                        Meet Miguel

       Within the small country of
         Ecuador, about the size of              Miguel is a Saraguro Indian. As a young man,
         Colorado, you can travel to the         he knew he wanted to serve the Lord. He
         jungle, mountains, and coast.
                                                         heard about a special school in a
                                                           nearby city that trained priests to
       The Galapagos Islands,                              lead the church.
         located 600 miles out in the
         Pacific Ocean, belong to                              It was a big step in those days
         Ecuador. Many tourists visit                              for Miguel to leave his own
         these islands to see special
         animals like blue-footed                                  community, but he bravely made the trip.
         boobies and marine iguanas.
                                                                When the director of the seminary saw that he
       Since Ecuador is located on                           was an Indian, he refused to allow him to enter
         the equator, you can see the                     the school. Miguel was very sad.
         Big Dipper (a northern
         constellation) and the
         Southern Cross (a southern                       For many years, he turned his back on God. But God
         constellation) at the same time.               did not turn his back on Miguel.

       For New Year’s Eve Ecuadorians                  Through his wife’s testimony and because of some
         make a man out of straw and                     missionaries who visited his home, God showed
         stuff him with firecrackers. At                Miguel that He loved him. God accepted him just the
         midnight the straw man is burned        way he was.
         with a bang. Out with the old year
         and in with the new.
                                                 Miguel became the first Saraguro Indian in history to be

                                                 ordained as a pastor.
       Quinceañera is a special party for a
         girl who turns 15. She wears a white
         dress and other girls dress like
         bridesmaids. Family and friends join  Cook’s Corner:  Many families in Ecuador do not
         the elegant celebration.              have enough money to eat much meat, so a favorite food is
                                               minestra (lentils prepared with delicious Ecuadorian flavors)! It is
                                               best served with rice, thin strips of meat, and patacones, which are
       Wow! A dozen fresh roses may be
         purchased for only $2.                fried plantains (cooking bananas).

                 “Yellow woodbee?” Discover
                 what happens to the yellow
                 woodbee in this historical
                 fiction book about Niwi and
                 the jungle pilot Nate Saint,
                 missionary to the Huaroni
                 tribe of Ecuador.

                 The Fate of the Yellow
                 by Dave and Neta Jackson
                 Trailblazer Books and
                 Bethany House Publishers

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2020 One Mission Society.
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