Page 3 - MAX Moz Travel Guide 2020
P. 3

Freddy’s Fun Facts                      Meet Lucas

      •   Portuguese is the national
          language of Mozambique, but              What is something
          nearly 40 other tribal languages         that is hard for you to do?
          are spoken.
      •   Mozambique is as long as Cal-                   Lucas was born albino.
          ifornia. The roads are so bad
          that it takes 4 to 5 days to                      Albino people have no skin pigment, so their
          travel from south to north.                         skin is very light and their eyes are weak.
      •   Mozambique's money is                                    Lucas learned that Jesus loved him and
          called Meticais (Mĕt´ ə-cīs). For                        created him for a special purpose. He be-
          one American dollar, you can                              came a Christian and he felt called to be-
          get 24,000 Meticais! A bottle                         come a pastor. He began attending the OMS
          of Coke costs 6,000 Meticais                         seminary in Maputo.
          — only 25  cents.

      •   Bazaruto, Macaneta, and                         Lucas is almost blind, but has been an excellent
          Inhaca are Mozambique’s                         student. It is hard for him to see to read, but he
          beautiful tropical islands. Be-               studies very hard.
          fore its civil war, Mozambique
          was the main tourist attraction               He preaches at a church in Khongolote and leads a
          in Africa.
                                                         Bible study. Lucas is married and has two little boys.
      •   Mozambique is in the southern
          hemisphere, so summer is in              It hasn't been easy for him, but God is using Lucas to
          December. While American                 make a difference in the lives of many people.
          children are playing in the
          snow, Mozambican kids enjoy
          the beach.
                                                   Cook’s Corner: Feijão e arroz (beans and
      •   Kids love playing soccer. Many
          cannot afford a ball, so they            rice) is a common meal prepared in Mozambique. Both
          make their own out of plastic            beans and rice can be bought in big bags for a cheap
                                                   price. Beans provide protein because most Mozambican
                                                   families can't afford much meat.

                   Children everywhere love
                   to play. Discover how a
                   little boy makes his own
                   toy from pieces of wire
                   he scavenges. Boys and
                   girls in Mozambique crea-
                   tively make their own
                   toys just like this boy.

                   Galimoto by Karen Lynn

                   ISBN 0-688-08789-2

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2020 One Mission Society.
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