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Freddy’s Fun Facts Meet Auntie Shirley
• Australians speak English with How many countries have you lived in?
their own accent. They say “g’day”
for “hello,” call their friends Although Auntie Shirley is a kiwi (born in New
“mate,” call themselves “Aussies,” Zealand), she grew up as a missionary kid in
and call their country “Oz.” Australia. Her parents helped translate the
Bible into a Solomon Island language and
• Australian Natives are called create an alphabet to put an Aboriginal language into written
Aborigines. They have rich words. The Aboriginals only spoke their language, and
traditions and their own they had never written it down!
culture. They paint using a
unique style of dots and were Auntie Shirley came to the USA to study the Bible,
the first to use boomerangs. which is where she met her husband Uncle Greg. Greg
was working as missionary with One Mission Society
• Ayers Rock is a giant red- (OMS) in Colombia and Russia. They moved to
orange rock formation. It is Costa Rica for Shirley to learn Spanish to prepare for
also called Uluru, meaning their missionary assignment in Colombia.
“shadowy place.” To walk
around the rock would be a In Costa Rica, Uncle Greg became sick with leukemia. They
six-mile hike. returned to the USA for chemotherapy to keep him alive. God
Auntie Shirley’s nursing degree to take care of Uncle Greg and
• The Great Barrier Reef is a string their baby.
of islands made almost entirely
of coral reef skeletons. This reef, After a couple of years, Uncle Greg was a bit better. God sent
found along the northeast coast their family of four kids to Mexico City, Mexico; Bogotá,
of Australia in the Coral Sea, is Colombia; Montevideo, Uruguay; and back to the USA to work
the world’s largest coral reef. with OMS in Indiana.
• Australia has two national animals: While living and serving on the OMS USA campus, Auntie Shirley
the kangaroo and the emu. Both helped train new missionaries and lead the OMS prayer ministry.
can run up to 30 miles an hour. She also wrote three of OMS’ Champions of the Great Commission
kids books!
• The word “selfie” was first coined
in Australia.
Auntie Shirley and her family are moving to Australia to be
• The Outback is a large, dry area missionaries with the OMS Australia team to send people from the
that takes up two-thirds of the Land Down Under to all parts of the world.
country. Not many people live
here, as this area can be dangerous
due to its animals, weather, and Fairy bread is a traditional
how desolate it is. Cook’s Corner:
snack in Australia. Parents like
• Because they could become extinct, to make this easy spread on toast for their kids as a snack
koalas are protected by Australian or for breakfast. Some Australians even serve it at parties.
law. Some zoos have koala adop-
tion programs that allow people to
take them home and raise them.
Take a trip to the country that
is also a continent in this
interactive book that
introduces kids to Oz.
Kids’ Travel Guide Australia
By Angie Droulias
ISBN-10: 1910994545
Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2021 One Mission Society.