Page 5 - MAX Ukraine Travel Guide 2020
P. 5

PAWs to Pray with MAX’s Friends

                                           A problem in Ukraine is the many homeless children
                                           who live on the streets. Some experts estimate that
      Praise — Thank God for what He does
                                           about 100,000 kids in Kiev live without parents or

      Ask — Pray to God for help           homes. That can be quite a difficult life, especially in
                                           the winter.

      Worship — Worship God for who He is
                                           Kiev is about the same distance north of the equator as
      Surrender — Listen to and obey God   Calgary, Canada. That means that in the winter,
                                           temperatures often stay below freezing, and the snow
                                           stays on the ground for a long time. Many of these
                                           children find shelter in abandoned buildings or in
                                           cellars below apartment buildings.

                                           They often find food to eat by searching through
                                           garbage dumpsters, by begging for food or money, or
                                           by stealing. Some try to earn money by washing car
                                           windows at stoplights, hoping that the drivers will
           “Religion that is pure          reward them with some loose change.
           and undefiled before
             God the Father is
           this: to visit orphans
            and widows in their                                             We LOVE Ukraine!
            —James 1:27a ESV
                                                                                                Let us hear

                                                                                                  from you!


                                                                                               Contributions, designate:
                                                                                                  PROJECT #403400

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2020 One Mission Society.
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