Page 4 - MAX USA Travel Guide 2020
P. 4

USA LANDMARKS                                               self-centered

               MT. RUSHMORE (Keystone, South Dakota)

               WHITE HOUSE (Washington, DC)                                       Mira Meefirst:

               GRAND CANYON (Arizona)                                             Having friends is very important
                                                                                  to me. If I tell them about Jesus
               GATEWAY ARCH (St. Louis, Missouri)
                                                                                  they may not want to be my
               ALAMO (San Antonio, Texas)                                         friend anymore. And after all,
               LIBERTY BELL (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)                          Otto - aren’t missionaries the
                                                                                  ones who are suppose to do this
               FORT KNOX (Kentucky)
               NIAGARA (New York)

               YELLOWSTONE (Wyoming, Montana, and

                B  G  A  T  E  W  A  Y  A  R  C  H                                    OR

                F  O  R  T  K  N  O  X  V  Y  L  G
                                                                     Outreach Otto:
                C  W  O  P  M  J  M  Z  T  E  O  R
                                                                     Yes, Mira!  Missionaries
                U  H  E     S  T    I   U  T  C  L  Z  A
                                                                     do share the Good News
                L   I   B  E  R  T  Y  B  E        L   L  N          of Jesus. But, God gave

                N  T  A  P  U  A  L  A  M  O  M  D                   that job to all of his
                 I   E   F  A  S  R  E  Q  Y  W  N  C                children. I am not only
                                                                     obedient when I tell my
                A  H  C  V  H  N  R  T  U  S  O  A
                                                                     friends about Jesus, but
                G  O  K  Z  M  W  M  I         S  T  U  N            I know I am also being

                A  U  M  T  O  M  Y  D  P  O  S  Y                   a good friend!

                R  S  R  D  R  V  E  O  L  N  N  O                    Christ-centered
                A  E  W  Q  E       J   B  M  T  E     I   N

       oops!                             Missionaries don’t
                                         have to live in a for-
                                         eign country to learn      Max is on the move again!
                                         new things about the       Can you guess where Max
                                         world around them.         will travel to next?

                                         MAX’s missionary           Here are some clues:
                                         friend Scarlett Macaw      •  Himalayan mountains
                                         (Aunt Lora) learned
     this valuable lesson when she showed up to a friend’s          •  Peacocks, tigers
     tea social in jeans and a t-shirt only to discover that you    •  Elephants and cobras
     should dress up for formal tea socials.
                                                                    •  More than 1 billion people
     There were also a lot of  other important proper               •  Taj Mahal
     etiquette rules that she did not know about. Thankfully,
     her friends were more than happy to help!                      •  Common transportation is rickshaw

     Missions to the MAX is written and published by One Mission Kids. No unauthorized reproduction. © 2020 One Mission Society.
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