Page 4 - max Philip 2022 flipbook
P. 4

Luksong tinik
           Filipino kids love to play games just like you.
           Here’s a fun outside game that you can play                                Attitude
           with you and at least two friends. In English,
           it is called “Jumping Over the Thorns.”                               Mira Meefirst:
           You need to know that in Tagalog...                                   I noticed that you bow your head

           Lukso means “jump.”                                                   and pray before eating your
                                                                                 lunch at school. Aren’t you
           Tinik means “thorns.”
                                                                                 worried about what the other
           Taya means the person or group of people who are                      kids will think of you?
           “it” in the game.

           Divide the players into two teams. Each team
           selects a naynay (mother), usually the person who
           can jump the highest.

           The taya (it) are two players who sit on the ground                        OR
           facing each other. The taya stack their hands and
           feet on top of each other, forming tinik (thorns).            Outreach Otto:
           One at a time, players from the opposing                      Mira, in the Bible, Paul said
           team attempt to jump over them without                        to the Thessalonians,
           touching the hurdle.                                          “ ...we speak, not to please

           If a player fails to do this,                                 man, but to please God
           the group’s naynay can                                        who tests our hearts.”*
           step in and successfully
           jump over the hurdle                                          I believe I please God
           in order to save them.                                        when I thank him for my

                                                                         *1 Thessalonians 2:4 ESV

                                        Aunt Kim liked working with kids.    Gratitude
                                         She desired to speak Tagalog so
                                         she could teach Filipino kids                   Max is on the move again!
     about                           about the love of Jesus. But
                                        sometimes, she made mistakes     Can you guess where Max
                                       when she tried to teach in her new     will travel next?

                                      language.                     Here are some clues:
     One time, she was trying to explain to the children that       •  7,000 miles of coastlines on
     they could ask Jesus into their hearts. Before she knew            the Pacific Ocean and
                                                                        Caribbean Sea.
     it, all the kids were laughing! Kim had mixed up the
     word for heart, puso, with the word for cat, pusa. Oops!       •  The Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza are one
                                                                        of the seven wonders of the world.
     When she realized her mistake, Kim explained what she
     was trying to say.                                             •  The world’s smallest volcano (43 feet) is
                                                                        located here.
     The children smiled when they understood how much
     Jesus loves them. Now they know that they can ask              •  Quesadillas, molletes, and tortas are eaten.
     Jesus into their hearts!
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