Page 3 - Dreadfall Pitch FlipBook
P. 3

I have decided to keep a record of the recent events of my life, from the moment we were
         brought before the Lythrion Council, to our bewildering adventure through trees, and finally
            our great battle with an evil mage. My name is Gavenah Glem, and this is the story of
                                                                         nah Gle
                                                       The Dreadfall.

                                     e Dr
        The forest we call The Dreadfall is a great mystery here in Lythrion. Though it
        sits right at our doorstep, no Elf in recent memory has actually ventured in. At
        least not according to my research.
        All that changed of course when I was summoned to the Council chambers
        with Emmeline.

                                  Is Emmeline working
                                  Is Emmeline working
        EMMELINE                  for Egass?
                                  for Egass?
        Having known Emmeline for quite some
        time, I believe we have grown fond of each
        other. I trust her, despite her past as a thief.
        She has seen me at my lowest with my
                                                                                                Don't  trust
        visions and has protected me more than                                                  Don't  trust
        once. I am glad to have such a friend.                                                  the squirrel...
                                                                                                the squirrel...

         At the council we met with Uradine and his companion Mittens.

           Mittens                                               URADINE                           some what
                                                                                                   some what
              Diney                                              Mittens calls him "Diney". A holy knight of
                                                                 The Summer Shields who has claimed the
                                                                 role of leader. Despite his natural abilities
                                                                 at this, I am afraid it may not improve our
                                                                 chance at surviving.
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