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Generally, we tend to compartmentalise health and safety, rather than recognising that not only
does it need to be a key business priority, but that health and safety competencies are required in
all jobs, to a greater or lesser degree.
Identifying early in the recruitment process what key health & safety competencies are required for
each job role, will help appoint people who are better able to fulfil the subsequent job demands, be
they physical or mental.
Using key business competencies as part of performance reviews will help further establish job
requirements, increase job productivity and will focus training and development needs.
Fulfilling health and safety requirements should always be an aspect of job performance which
should be regularly assessed, especially at Management level. Remember, the duty of care
becomes greater the higher within an organisation someone sits.
Defining competence and training competent people is what helps organisations to thrive and be
better able to cope with constantly changing demands, as well as reducing health and safety
accidents/incidents to a minimum. A good health and safety culture is a guarantee to a successful
business, so we should start thinking about introducing a competency framework that goes beyond
just legal health and safety requirements, and we may find that this in one safety initiative that has
positive and far reaching outcomes.
Sl. No. Parameter Status Indicator
1 Safety Rates 1.85 Million Safe Man Hours (Mauda 80k, Rihand-1.67M, Farakka-92K
TCIR-0.874 LTIFR -0.874 & LTISR-20.98
2 Issue (UA/UC) Resister & Closure August’21 -267/299 -90% Closed, 2021-22 – 1142/1253 -91% Closed
3 Issues Repetition 28% - 351/1253 issues repeated
4 Improvement - Kaizen & Projects 14/58 Kaizens –4 Mouda, 8 Rihand 2 Farakka
5 HSE agreements 8/9 Signed – 1 in Mouda- ACIL needs discussion with Purchase
6 Contractor employees competency Mouda –63%, Rihand-75%, Farakka-43%
7 Contractors HSE training 430/3345 Covered – Total Contract 1097
8 HSE violation by Subcontractors 5/40 – 5 Mouda
9 Budget / Contractual / System issues open Addressed in Quarterly HSE review
10 Site Management HSE visit 12/12 Each 4
11 Safety committee meetings 4 -1 Each In Mouda Rihand as per BOCW Act & 2- Informal at Farakka
12 ERP- Mock Drill & Gap Closures 5/9 (Rihand-3, Mouda-2)
13 Reward & Recognition 2+24 – (10-Rihand – 16 Mouda- (Spot & Kaizen)
14 EHS management system implementation Procedure -3/15 (2 Under mgmt. Review), Formats 10/10 & CS 35/35 Released
15 Legal Register All Legal requirements identified & released, being implemented
16 HSE performance evaluation & Model RED Diamonds released, Score Released for June’21, July’21 & August’21
17 Technical & HSE Management Training Under review – 1 Scaffolding training conducted
Inter Site HSE Knowledge Sharing session conducted on 24 Sep &
18 HSE Meetings/Reviews nd
scheduled 22 Oct
19 HSE Violation - MPW - Employees 5 Violation Memos raised for Mouda Major Injury
20 HSE Communication Monthly HSE Magazine (KICHO) for August’21 and Sep’21 Released