Page 35 - 나도 동생이 갖고 싶어요
P. 35
English story
Pg 13 Pg 19
“Mom, mom! “When you were a baby seed inside Dad’s body,
Hurry up and incubate these eggs, please!” you swam very well.”
Mom was confused and asked: “What happened when Mom and Dad’s baby seeds
“What are you talking about? combined?”
Why did you take these eggs out?” “You went into my baby house and lived there for 280
“Mrs. Sparrow said that baby sparrows come out days.”
when she incubates her eggs. Please incubate these “Mom’s baby house is called a uterus,
eggs and make me a baby sibling!” and while you lived there, you grew eyes, a nose, hair,
and everything that you need in your body.”
Pg 14
“Haha, you really want a baby sibling, don’t you?” Pg 20
Mom laughed, not even thinking about incubating the “When you were in the uterus,
eggs. we played good music for you and read you books.
“Jiah has a baby sibling, and Gangsoo also has one. I only ate healthy food and tried to only have healthy
Hurry and make me a baby sibling with this egg!” thoughts.
Hyunee cried. Sometimes, you would kick in my belly
and tell me that you were doing well.”
Pg 15
“I don’t remember anything!”
“Babies don’t come from eggs. Hyunee was sad that he completely
I will first tell you how you were born.” forgot his memories inside Mom’s belly.
Mom started to talk slowly.
Pg 22
Parents shouldn’t scold or interrupt children “After 40 weeks, the contractions started.
when they get curious about sexuality and ask The pain was so bad that I wanted to scream,
questions. but I could bear the pain because I was so happy
Parents shouldn’t lie or gloss over it, either. that I was going to be able to meet my lovely baby soon.
If parents avoid answering, then the child might think: Pg 23
‘questions about sex make adults uncomfortable’. You came into this world safely and cried loudly.
This could lead them to get skewed sexual knowledge Dad and I were so happy that you came to us,
from their friends, other older children, or from the healthy and lovely.”
Pg 24
Pg 16
Hyunee listened to Mom’s story with sparkling eyes
“Dad and I treasured and loved each other very much. and put his ear against her belly.
So, we decided to have a baby that looks just like us. “I’m listening to see if I can hear my baby sibling.”
Dad and I shared love to have a cute and precious “Haha, I’m sorry.
baby. There’s no one at my baby house right now.”
At that time, the baby seed from inside my body and “Then please make one!”
the baby seed from inside Dad’s body met and
became a fertilized egg. Pg 25
“Dad, come home quickly and make me a baby sibling!”
Pg 17
Hyunee is calling Dad.
My baby seed is called an egg, Will Dad listen to Hyunee’s wish and come home quickly?
and Dad’s baby seed is called a sperm. Wouldn’t it be great for Hyunee to have a cute baby
At that time, sibling?
there were more than a million sperms in Dad’s body.
Out of them, the sperm that swam the fastest met the
egg in my body to become a fertilized egg, and that
fertilized egg grew and made you.”
Pg 18
“Me? When? I can’t even swim!” Hyunee replied.
나도 동생이 갖고 싶어요_0905.indd 31 2019. 9. 18. 오후 5:32