Page 35 - 싫다고 말해도 괜찮아!
P. 35
English story
and open the restroom door when I’m inside. feeling.
Sometimes they tell me to give them my things.”
“How do you feel when that happens? Pg 20
You don’t like it, right? Do you get angry?” The teacher held up the crying doll and pretended to cry.
Brightlee nodded her head. “Boo hoo, I’m sad right now. Boo hoo.”
“Why didn't you say that you don’t like it, then? “Sniff sniff, I'm sad.”
Your friends wouldn’t know how you feel Brightlee also pretended to cry.
if you don’t tell them.” The other children started to gather
“I don’t know how to say it.” around the teacher and Brightlee, one by one.
Brightlee answered.
Pg 21
_TIP “Now, it’s time for the laughing doll.
Children that can express their feelings honestly Yahoo, be happy. Hahahaha.”
can also modulate their emotions Haha, hoho, hehe,
and react more flexibly to different situations. Brightlee and her friends all pretended to laugh.
Help your children to be able to express their Pretending to laugh actually started to feel fun,
feelings freely. and the children became really happy.
This made them laugh even louder.
Pg 16
The teacher showed Brightlee a crying doll and asked: Pg 22
“How do you think this doll feels?” The teacher kept talking.
“It’s crying, so it must be sad.” “There are many different emotions inside of us.
“How about this one?” Happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, likes, and
The teacher held up the frowning doll. dislikes…
“Hm…It looks angry. It also looks grumpy.” These emotions come and go several times throughout
The teacher held up the smiling doll and said: the day.
“This doll must be happy because it’s smiling, right?”
Pg 23
_TIP It’s good not to push these emotions down, but to
Utilizing dolls can make opportunities for children express it outside.
to express their different feelings Of course, if you’re angry or feeling a dislike towards
and pay attention to the emotions of others. someone,
Pg 18 you should think hard about why that is,
and try to express your feelings nicely.”
“These dolls can’t talk,
so they express their emotions with their facial Pg 24
expressions. “It’s also important to imagine
You and I can talk, so it’s easier for us what your friends might feel when you do something.”
to express our emotions to others.” The teacher finished talking, and Brightlee said:
“Winter, I was really angry because you lifted my skirt.”
Pg 19 When Winter heard her, he apologized.
“Do you want to copy the dolls’ expressions with me?” “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
The teacher held up the angry doll and made
an angry face. Pg 25
And then, she said: “No, you can’t!” When Winter apologized,
Brightlee frowned like her teacher, and said: “No!” Brightlee smilied widely, and said: “I feel good!
If there are children that have a hard time
expressing their emotions,
let them copy the facial expressions of dolls,
or guide them to talk about how the dolls might be
싫다고 말해도 괜찮아!_0905.indd 31 2019. 9. 18. 오후 5:47