Page 34 - 남자는남탕으로, 여자는여탕으로!
P. 34
English story
Boys to the Men’s Bath, One Sunday, the whole family went
to the public bath in their neighborhood.
Girls to the Women’s “Darong, let’s go in together.”
A-rong pulled on Darong’s hand like he always did.
Bath! Pg 07
“Darong needs to go to the women’s bath with mom.”
Dad shook his head to say no.
“But we always take baths together at home!”
Darong complained.
Pg 08
“Because this is a public bath with other people,
girls have to go in with other girls,
and boys have to go in with other boys,”
Mom explained.
Pg 09
Dad and A-rong to the men’s bath.
Mom and Darong to the women’s bath.
Reluctantly, A-rong and Darong went into the different
Pg 10
“Whoa, I think I can even swim here.”
A-rong saw the giant tub full of water and yelled excitedly.
“You have to be careful so you don’t disturb the other
Pg 03 Dad warned.
A-rong and Darong are six-year old twin siblings.
For 280 days, they lived together in Mom’s stomach, Pg 11
and came out into the world on the same day. A man lathering soap, a boy washing his hair,
A-rong came out 3 minutes early, becoming the a grandpa sitting in the tub with his eyes closed…
older brother, There were many people washing at the bath.
and Darong came out 3 minutes later, becoming the
younger sister. Pg 12
“Dad, only boys have pee-pees, right?”
Pg 04 A-rong asked dad.
A-rong and Darong did everything together. “When you were younger,
They ate together, went to the playground together, we called it pee-pee to make it easier to understand,
read picture books together, and even took baths but the correct name for your pee-pee is ‘penis’.”
together! “A peanut?”
Everything was so much more fun when they were “Haha, not a peanut; penis.”
Pg 13
Pg 06 “What’s the small bag under the penis?”
However, there was something that they couldn’t do A-rong asked, looking down.
남자는남탕으로, 여자는여탕으로!_0905.indd 30 2019. 9. 18. 오후 5:33