Page 35 - 남자는남탕으로, 여자는여탕으로!
P. 35
English story
“That is a testicle that makes a man’s baby seeds. Mom answered.
The scrotum is covering and protecting it.”
Dad explained in detail. Pg 22
The family went to get ice cream after their baths.
Pg 15 A-rong went to use the restroom,
“I’ve never seen so many shower hoses in one place!” and when he came back, he asked:
It was Darong’s first time to a public bath, “Why do men pee standing up?”
so she was blown away by everything. “A man’s penis and a woman’s vagina
There was a wrinkled grandma scrubbing the back of are at different places on their bodies,
a pretty girl, so it’s more comfortable for a woman to sit
and there were children around the same age as and a man to stand up when they pee.”
Darong playing in the giant tub. Mom explained.
“I tried standing up to pee, and my panties got all wet,”
Pg 16 Darong said, laughing.
Darong was watching the women
in the women’s bath when she asked: Pg 24
“Mom, why don’t girls have pee-pees?” It’s time to go to bed.
“Girls have wee-wees instead of pee-pees. “There’s a super giant tub in the men’s bath.
Since you aren’t a baby anymore, let’s call it ‘vagina’. “I think there are like a hundred shower hoses
The correct name for your wee-wee is vagina.” in the women’s bath.”
A-rong and Darong whispered to each other.
Pg 17
“A woman has a vagina, and she also has a womb, Pg 25
which is a baby’s house. “I hope I can grow up fast and grow a beard like the
There are also ovaries, which grow a woman’s baby older boys.”
seeds.” “I want to get bigger breasts like the older girls”
As she listened to Mom, A-rong and Darong drifted off to sleep,
Darong felt like she had something really amazing in imagining themselves growing up to become adults.
her body.
Pg 18
After finishing up with the refreshing bath,
they walked out into the locker room.
A-rong’s face looked soft and clean.
A-rong was putting on his underwear when he asked:
“Why don’t I have hair on my pee-pee, I mean, penis?”
“You don’t have any hair now,
but by the time you go to middle school,
you will start to grow hair on your chin, armpits, and
Dad explained in detail.
Pg 21
Darong and Mom also finished with their baths.
Darong jokingly put on her mom’s brassiere and asked:
“Mom, how come my breasts are so small?”
“Don’t worry, cute mistress.
Even if your breasts are small now,
they will grow when you go through puberty.”
남자는남탕으로, 여자는여탕으로!_0905.indd 31 2019. 9. 18. 오후 5:34