Page 18 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 18


               ttOCHDALB FZJUnrELS.

           The Friendly Co-opcratire Society, of Ro<'hdale, bee leave to  solii it
          the encoura'!;eiTien"t of their Co-operative Brethren in tneir FLANNEL
          MANUFACTURES.   In consefjuence of the unprecedented depression
          of the Flannel Trade, several of their members nave bet^n thrown out
          of employment  ; and  in  order  to rescue these from actual statvation,'
          the society has been induced to commence manufacturing on an  ex-
          tensive scale in the above business,  irt confident expeiution of the sujw
          port of their fellow-co-opwrators.  Their Flannel  IMecfes are  tG JaxW
          in length,  and vary  in price from 36 to 60 shillings.  Onlers  ( with
          jeady  money) will be thankfully received by Wm. HARiirsoN, & Co^
          Fiiendly Co-operative Store, (-'heotham-street, Rochdale.  \
          . N. B.  in order to prevent miscarriage of Goods, those societies who
          £f»yo^r..tb<iJii with their orders aro requested to be particular in send-
          ing their Address.
                    An Early Co-operative Advertisement.
                     {Lancashire and Yorkshire Co-operator, 1832.)


             ^^^sjs.^^                                   y
                                 .   ;
                         WOMKN'S I.AUOK  I.N COAI. MiNKS.
                  (Reuort of the Children's Kmi)lmjment Commission, 1842.)
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