Page 320 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 320
The Story of the C.W.S.
public ideas and i^rinciples. Indeed, the " attempt to establish a
new monopoly " affected every daily user of soap. But the news-
papers considered it sufficient to print paragraphs for which one had
to search.
Emboldened by this victory the C.W.S. took a step which had
long been urged upon them. Societies which were stockmg only
C.W.S. soaps naturally asked that the Wholesale Society should
itself decline to invoice to other societies the wares of private soap
makers. This, however, was a more difficult matter. The retail
societies which had taken the forward step were those which, having
felt their way, knew they could rely upon the loyalty of their
members. The C.W.S., attempting to bring the remaining societies
into hne, could not be quite so sure of its ground. Nevertheless, the
step was taken. As to its ultimate results, however, it is yet too
early to speak.
A brief history of two or three more C.W.S. works conveniently
may be added to complete this chapter. In June, 1896, the Com-
mittee obtained authority to commence the manufacture of tobacco
and cigars. The scruples which had caused the early postponement
of the idea now were voiced only by one delegate, Dr. Drysdale, of
Norwood. He asked if co-operators would go on from " encouragmg
people to poison themselves" to begin the manufacture of gin.
" Yes," rephed IVIr. George Hawkms, jocularly, " if the members
should bring sufficient pressure to bear in that direction." In the
North the delegates were willing, but the Cramhngton Society
obtained a big majority in favour of a tobacco factory being
in Newcastle. This was an old point with the Cramhngton
co-operators, who, in 1893, had secured a branch and divisional vote
of 289 to 183 in favour of a Newcastle factory; but IVIr. Tweddell,
speaking for the North, then had yielded the victory in deference to
"a large preponderance of opinion in Manchester against it."
In 1896, under the new chairman, there was at Manchester very
httle objection to the C.W.S. entering the business. One delegate
was anxious that the existing wholesale tobacco manufactory of the
Rochdale Pioneers' Society should not be mjured. " We do not
propose to interfere with anybody in trade, but look after our own
business," replied I\Lr. Shillito. In March, 1898, the Committee
announced the purchase of "a substantiaUy-built factory " and
2,353 square j'^ards of freehold land for £6,500. The location of the
propert}"- was in Sha-rp Street, near the once notorious street of