Page 379 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 379

''  Exploiters ''  and ''Adventurers/'
    which the C.W.S. itself was not responsible;  yet, mixed with some
    misunderstanding and a good deal of pugnacity, it afterwards became
    in other hands a most explosive material.
                                          The I.A.O.S. (which for
    some years enjoyed a Government subsidy) are the publishers of
    the Irish Homestead.  Written with imagination, vigour, and spirit,
    its notes and leaders were (and are) excellent reading.  No one
    could doubt the journal's stimulating purpose of good for the Irish
    agricultural producer, and for Irish literature, arts, and crafts also.
    But during many years  it was  relentless towards  the  C.W.S.
    Limited companies had their creameries by the dozen and passed
    unscathed.  English multiple shop firms, in keen competition with
    co-operative stores, secured a hold in Ireland and  sat down in
    comparative  peace.  The  special attack was  reserved  for  the
    C.W.S.; they were "the exploiters"—they, the careful and homely
    co-operators, were " the adventurers." They, the millions of English,
    Welsh, and Irish consumers, formed a right body to be whipped
    for capitahst misdeeds.  They, as represented by the C.W.S., were
    especially to be driven out of dairy-farming in Ireland  !
       Extreme republicans,  it  is  said, are logically bound to hate
    a good king much more than a bad one. A similar necessity must
    have inspired the opposition to the C.W.S., for it was by popular
    invitation that the Wholesale Society continued to extend  its
    Irish dominions.  The advance was most marked in the Limerick
    area under Mr. Stokes.  Petitions frequently were received from
    farmers askmg for C.W.S. creameries to be opened in this or that
    district.  These  petitions  still  are  on  file  at  Balloon  Street.
    Usually the names of the signatories cover three or four sheets of
    foolscap.  Each person claimed the ownership of from two to perhaps
    twenty cows, and all pledged themselves to send in the milk should
    the creamery be erected.  When the C.W.S. suggested the farmers'
    own co-operation the petitioners urged their lack of capital and
    mutual distrust.  Father Finlay, of the I.A.O.S.  (as quoted by
    Mr. Mc.Guffin in his Irish conference paper of October, 1908), has
    told—with  disgust—of  tenant  farmers  taking  a  further  step.
    Almost from an I.A.O.S. meeting they had gone to their landlord,
    begging him to grant a site for a C.W.S. creamery.  Because of the
    appeals from the farmers, therefore, more and more creameries were
    opened.  In 1902 the Society possessed forty-one main creameries
    and  fifty-two  auxiliaries,  representing an expenditure  in  land,
    buildmgs, and fixtures of over £100,000.  In that year more than
    sixteen milhon gallons of milk were received.  To their constituents
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