Page 397 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 397

Statistics of Increase.

    (of Huddersfield, vice-president of the Society at the time of
    retirement), Amos Scotton  (of Derby), Alfred North (of Batley),
    James Fairclough (of Barnsley), John Lord (of Accrington), WilHaiu
    Bates (of Eccles), and, more recently, Thomas Hind (of Leicester).
    So great a number of losses in twelve years meant an unusual
    proportion of changes in the personnel of a Committee numbering
    only thirty-two at its largest.
       The general statistics of the C.W.S. afford proof of enormous
    increases durmg the present century.  The sales for the year 1901
                                            for 1900 they barely
    totalled less than eighteen miUions sterUng ;
    exceeded sixteen mihions.  In 1905 the sum of twenty milhons was
    reached.  The returns halted in 1907-8 at less than twenty-five
    millions;  and  then,  in 1909-12, climbed  steadily  to  little  less
    than thirty miUions—£29,732,154.  The share of the productive
    works in this amount was £7,556,821.  Although the expense of
    conducting this volume of business grew from £335,183 in 1901 to
    £601,884 in 1912, the rate per £ of sales was only ^. more than in
    1901, the figures being 4|d. and 4|d. respectively.  Li 1910 the rate
    was 4|d.  In 1888 this figure was 4d., and in 1874 3d.  The net
    profit—collective savmg—which was £14.000 in 1874, £82.000 in
    1888, and £288,000 in 1901, reached the half miUion in 1909.  It
    was then precise^ £549,080.  The surplus fell away from this record
    by some £80,000 the next year; but it increased again to £579,913
    in 1911, and from this to yet another highest figure of £613,007 in
    1912.  Meanwhile the co-operators of the country, those terrible
    "  dividend-hunters," have been content to leave their increment
    from the saving fixed at 4d. in the £ on their purchases.  It is
    true that in 1908 the Warrington Society moved for a fivepenny
    dividend  "they had no  desire  for the extra penny, but they
    brought forward the amendment to test the feeling of the delegates."
    But the Committee then insisted upon the wisdom of preferring a
    further strengthening of the reserve funds of the Societ}^ and the
    amendment everywhere was lost by large majorities.  Only one year
    later the soundness  of the  official poUcy was demonstrated.  In
    March. 1909, after the productive losses of 1908, the Committee were
    obhged to draw over £12,000 from the reserve fund to pay the assured
    dividend of 4d.
       Old-fashioned  co-operators used  to trumpet  the  virtues  of
    co-operative  dividends, but  in  relation  to  this  feature  of  the
    co-operative system the present-day  spokesmen  frequently  are
    too modest.  Some, indeed, affect a kind of moral superiority to
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