Page 400 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 400
The Story of the C.W.S.
C.W.S. Committee to inquire and report, and this reappeared in
March, together with a more definite motion from Reading.
Promising a recommendation from themselves, the Committee
secm:ed an adjournment until June, when they adopted the Reading
motion in part, omitting the points of (1) the representation of the
Branch Committees on the General Committee, (2) of a special
productive committee, and (3) of an age quaUfication for election
to the Directorate. But the Reading Society stood out for its full
eight points, and it carried the day, securing 1,205 votes against
only 394 for the more limited inquiry.
The Reading motion provided for an inquiry committee of
twelve members, eight of whom were to be elected. These seats
were filled by Messrs. T. Redfearn, Frank Hardern, W. A. Hilton,
and James Johnston from the Manchester district, E. J. Graham
and WiUiam Crooks from Newcastle, and T. G. Arnold and R.
Rowsell from the London province. Messrs. J. ShiUito, T. Tweddell,
T. Killon, and Henry Pumphrey from the C.W.S. Directorate
completed the twelve, and the name should be added of Mr. T.
Brodrick, who was appointed secretary. The report of the special
committee appeared in May, 1906. It recommended that all the
Manchester, Newcastle, and London Committee-men should form one
executive, divided into four permanent sub-committees, these being
(1) finance and general purposes, (2) grocery and buying depots,
(3) drapery, boot and shoe, and furnishing, and (4) productive. It
proposed a full executive meeting every week, held in turn at
Manchester, Newcastle, Manchester, and London. The existing
system of nominations within the three provinces and voting by the
entire electorate was to remain. No age Umit was to be fixed for
candidates, although ages were to be stated on the nomination forms.
No compulsory retiring age was named, but three-fourths of the
General Committee were to have the power of recommending for
retirement any colleague " palpably unfit to perform his duties."
A retiring allowance reaching to £3 as a maximum was recommended,
but with an arrangement by which the members of the Committee
themselves would provide the fund. Ninepence for fourpence was
not yet a popular institution. A fixed salary of £350^ was specified
for each Director without distinction, with terms during illness
more generous than before, and allowances for overnight out-of-
pocket expenses in proportion. Members of the Committee were to
give their whole time, not holding any other paid office, except
'A sum of £17. 10s. is deducted yearly for the Directors' Superannuation Fund.