Page 489 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 489

Biographical Index.
      Taylor, Samuel (182S-1891).—By trade an iron-planer;  president of the
    Bolton Trades Council,  also of the Rochdale Corn Mill Society;  especially
    appointed a member of the Technical Instruction Committee, though not a
    councillor ; a promoter of the Bolton Working Men's Club.  For several years
    a committee-man of the Bolton Co-operative Society, and for three years its
    president.  Elected to the C.W.S. in 1885, he died in office.
      Thlrlaway, John (1844-1892).—Identified as a young man with the Gates-
    head Society; auditor for two years, then secretary  for over twenty-one
    years.  Elected to tlio C.W.S. Committee in 1876, he acted as secretary for the
    Newcastle Branch. Possessing "essentially a practical mind," he lent a strong
    support to the C.W.S. Committee in the controversies of his period, and also
    wrote papers on " Check Systems " (for the Glasgow Congress), " Cost Price,"
    and similar matters of biisiness.  He died in the midst of his life's work.
      Thomasson, John  (1823-1887).—Of Oldham. A foreman  turner.  For
    thirty years an active worker in connection with the Salem Moravian Schools
    and Chapel;  pioneer and director of the Central Mills Company, Oldham.
    From the Oldham Equitable Society he came to the C.W.S. Board in 1866,
    and retired in 1869.
      Thomson, Richard (1807-1902).—Of Sunderland. President of Sunderland
    Society for fifteen years.  Elected to the C.W.S. Committee (Newcastle Branch)
    in 1874, and retired on account of advancing years in 1893.
      Thorpe, J. (1836).—Born in 1836 and in good health in 1913. A worsted
    spinner by trade.  For many years a member of the Halifax Society's com-
    mittee, and for thirty years of the Calderdale Sundries Society.  Served on
    the C.W.S. Committee, 1872-3. A friendly society worker for fifty years, being
    lodge treasurer for forty-three; a Unitarian and a Liberal.
      Tutt, Richard Hutchinson (1 840-1904).—Born at Hastings, the first forty-
    five years of his life were spent at Sheerness, where he entered Government
    service.  Joining the Sheerness Society in 1864, he served on the committee,
    acted as secretary, and in 1870 was elected president.  He was also active
    in the Co-operative  Union.  Removing to Plymouth in  1886, he served
    on the Western Sectional Board of the Union and on the Dovonport County
    Council.  In 1894 he beca-me secretary to the Soathern Sectional Board of the
    Co-operative Union.  Elected to the C.W.S. Committee in 1897, he died in
    office in 1904.  " There is none who has given more of his entire life to the
    cause than did R. H. Tutt."
      Tweddell, Thomas (1833).—Born at Byker, Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Went to
    Hartlepool in the employment of the North-Eastern Railway Company, and
    soon became prominent in local public work.  Was a member of the Town
    Council, the School Board, the Board of Guardians, and the Port Sanitary
    Authority, and chairman of the committee which undertook the building of
    the sea-watl and promenade that protects the headland of Hartlepool and
    the Town Moor from erosion.  Took a leading part in 1880 in the formation
    of the Hartlepools Co-operative Society, and still retains the position of secre-
    tary.  Elected to the Newcastle Branch Committee of the C.W.S., he became
    ehau'man of the branch in 1893, relinquishing all other public work.  Was
    president on the first day of the Sunderland Congress, 1894, the address then
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