Page 493 - The_story_of_the_C._W._S._The_jubilee_history_of_the_cooperative_wholesale_society,_limited._1863-1913_(IA_storyofcwsjubill00redf) (1)_Neat
P. 493

The Chairman of the Society.

  This ceremony, however, in no way marked a retirement, for as recently
  as January, 1913, the octogenarian chairman was in Ceylon on the business
  of the Society.
     In 1903 Mr.  Shillito presided over the Co-operative Congress held at
  Doncaster; and one may end this note by quoting the final words of his
  presidential address.  After touching on the principle of mutual aid which
  will " enable us to consider the rights of everyone as equal to our own," he
  concluded:  " I beseech you at all times to uphold the dignity and reputation
  of the co-operative movement.  Let all your business transactions be honour-
  able.  Do not allow any mean and base motive to prejudice your minds.  It
  has cost much self-sacrifice to attain the position we are so proud to hold.
  The future is in your hands—it will be what you determine."

                      Statuette Presented to the
                  C.W.S. BY THE Austrian Wholesale Society,
              IN Commemoration of the Austrian Co-operators' Visit,
                     August 31st to September 7th, 1908.
                       It Bears the Inscription —
                   " Then let us pray that come it may,
                      [As com.c  it will for a' that).
                     That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth,
                      May bear the gree. and a' that.
                     For a' that, and a' that.
                      It's coming yet, for a' that.
                     That man to man, the ivarld o'er.
                      Shall brothers be ior a' that."

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